Hey all,
Thought I would share my experiences being a first time gun shopper. I have recently applied for a Class A ALP in Sudbury, got the call from my chief that he was going to issue me a Class A restricted, as I am a first timer. I can re-apply in 6 months, and he would ok the ALP. Fine with me. So I have started to shop for what I wanted. I want a pistol that I can defend my home with, that is fun to shoot at the range, and some day can carry. I am going through this with a good friend of mine.
Our first step was to take our NRA Pistol with Jon Green at GOAL. In the shooting section, Jon had huge variety of hardware. We shot a Ruger SR9, Glock G19, Walter P99, and a S&W M&P9. We also shot a bunch of wheel guns, but in my mind I had decided on an automatic. I ended up liking the Glock and the Walter. I would highly recommend a novice taking Jon's course. The people at GOAL are all very accommodating and easy to deal with fora novice.
We headed up to Manchester Firing line next, and started out renting the G19 9mm that I had liked in Jon's class, and set up a target at 20 feet. We divided the target up into 6 areas and split a box of ammo. We then started testing. First thing we noticed was the 15 round magazine that we cant get new in MA. We traded the G19 9mm in for a G23 .40. We got a new target and shot a box of .40 through that pistol. We then traded that in for a G21 full size .45, again new target and a new box of monster slugs. We asked for something in .357 SIG just to try, but nothing was available at the time.
We drew a ton of great conclusions with this comparison. We had heard a ton on the internet about the .40, and I was glad to try it. However we thought for a beginner like we are, the .40 jumped around too much. We were not getting the G23 on target. We were able to get good groupings with the G19. The size of the gun felt right and the recoil was easy to control and get back on target. We were shocked with the G21. The pistol was full size, so bigger than the other 2, but we were amazed that we were getting good shot placement because the felt recoil was less. I felt it was the most fun to shoot, but was not practical for my needs. I walked away thinking my 2nd pistol would be a 1911 .45 for a fun range gun.
We had a great experience, and think that anyone that is first time shopping should go and try before you buy. I spent 75 bucks, and it was well worth it. We came away feeling confident that a G19 would be what we would be buying once our license comes in. Not only are they a great gun, reliable, and accurate, but pre-ban mags seem to be around that make it a better choice than the more contemporary guns we shot in class with GOAL. I am sharing this in hope that it can be a help to another novice like me. If your a novice, try as much as you can before you buy. My next chapter, once the license comes in is going to be about shopping. Hope this helps.
Thought I would share my experiences being a first time gun shopper. I have recently applied for a Class A ALP in Sudbury, got the call from my chief that he was going to issue me a Class A restricted, as I am a first timer. I can re-apply in 6 months, and he would ok the ALP. Fine with me. So I have started to shop for what I wanted. I want a pistol that I can defend my home with, that is fun to shoot at the range, and some day can carry. I am going through this with a good friend of mine.
Our first step was to take our NRA Pistol with Jon Green at GOAL. In the shooting section, Jon had huge variety of hardware. We shot a Ruger SR9, Glock G19, Walter P99, and a S&W M&P9. We also shot a bunch of wheel guns, but in my mind I had decided on an automatic. I ended up liking the Glock and the Walter. I would highly recommend a novice taking Jon's course. The people at GOAL are all very accommodating and easy to deal with fora novice.
We headed up to Manchester Firing line next, and started out renting the G19 9mm that I had liked in Jon's class, and set up a target at 20 feet. We divided the target up into 6 areas and split a box of ammo. We then started testing. First thing we noticed was the 15 round magazine that we cant get new in MA. We traded the G19 9mm in for a G23 .40. We got a new target and shot a box of .40 through that pistol. We then traded that in for a G21 full size .45, again new target and a new box of monster slugs. We asked for something in .357 SIG just to try, but nothing was available at the time.
We drew a ton of great conclusions with this comparison. We had heard a ton on the internet about the .40, and I was glad to try it. However we thought for a beginner like we are, the .40 jumped around too much. We were not getting the G23 on target. We were able to get good groupings with the G19. The size of the gun felt right and the recoil was easy to control and get back on target. We were shocked with the G21. The pistol was full size, so bigger than the other 2, but we were amazed that we were getting good shot placement because the felt recoil was less. I felt it was the most fun to shoot, but was not practical for my needs. I walked away thinking my 2nd pistol would be a 1911 .45 for a fun range gun.
We had a great experience, and think that anyone that is first time shopping should go and try before you buy. I spent 75 bucks, and it was well worth it. We came away feeling confident that a G19 would be what we would be buying once our license comes in. Not only are they a great gun, reliable, and accurate, but pre-ban mags seem to be around that make it a better choice than the more contemporary guns we shot in class with GOAL. I am sharing this in hope that it can be a help to another novice like me. If your a novice, try as much as you can before you buy. My next chapter, once the license comes in is going to be about shopping. Hope this helps.
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