Fitting a Shotgun

NE Patriot

NES Member
Nov 11, 2013
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Anyone in New England that is skilled in evaluating the fit of a shotgun, to a shooter? Getting the measurement, etc.

I'd like to take advantage of someone who is good with this.

Back in the day... when sporting clays was the absolute rage, there was a gentleman in Seekonk MA named Mr. Hagop Boyajian. (I can't remember what i had for dinner last night, but I'll never forget him.)
You'd stand there in his darkish workshop and he'd look down your rib and sightline. (Phrasing. I know. Ha ha.)
Two weeks and a very very reasonable fee later, your shotgun FIT. Beads stacked perfectly.
Those were the days. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

Tldr: go to Rich Cole now. He's also in Naples and San Antonio too.
Thanks the link. Cole has a very professional appearance.

Chris M,
I live one town over from Seekonk! A search suggests that Hagop may have passed away a year or two ago. Too bad, a loss of skills.

That's useful info too. Thanks.
Cole has a wall adorned with beautiful slabs of semi-finished stocks. It’s amazing. The necks are machined to fit receivers, while the rest of the stock is just an unfinished block of wood waiting to be fitted to an individual. He’s the master!
Cole has an impressive website, but it looks like $$$. What kind of money am I looking at for a fitting?

Depends on what you decide to have done with the gun. If you want custom wood made to fit you, that'll be more. If you need an adjustable comb or buttplate installed that will be significantly less. What type of shotgun are you using?
Primarily I'd like to get fitted for my upland gun, a vintage Spanish 16ga sidelock, made by Bost (photos below). For waterfowl I use a Benelli 12ga auto.


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I'd like to keep the orig. stock. I'm open to shortening it, adding a cheekpad, shaving some off, etc. Would rather not pay for a whole new, custom stock.

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