Fixed Blade Broadhead Recommendations

Dec 3, 2020
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Hello everyone.

I shoot fixed-blade broadheads out of my compound and recurve. However, I'm wondering if that's possible with the speeds of these newer crossbows. :rolleyes: I have a Ravin R10 and it's an absolute tack driver at longer ranges than I intend to take shots at hunting distances.

I've shot some Slick Trick broadheads out of it, but they seem to deviate from the field point of impact. This is not normal for either my compound or recurve, but we're talking about a HUGE (400 fps with the R10) difference in speed. o_O I'm thinking that I either need to build a heavier bolt with a high FOC or keep testing with other brands and styles of fixed blade broadheads until I find something that flies to the same P.O.I. as the field trips.

What fixed blade broadhead are you using?
Do they fly to the same point of impact as the field tips?
Hello everyone.

I shoot fixed-blade broadheads out of my compound and recurve. However, I'm wondering if that's possible with the speeds of these newer crossbows. :rolleyes: I have a Ravin R10 and it's an absolute tack driver at longer ranges than I intend to take shots at hunting distances.

I've shot some Slick Trick broadheads out of it, but they seem to deviate from the field point of impact. This is not normal for either my compound or recurve, but we're talking about a HUGE (400 fps with the R10) difference in speed. o_O I'm thinking that I either need to build a heavier bolt with a high FOC or keep testing with other brands and styles of fixed blade broadheads until I find something that flies to the same P.O.I. as the field trips.

What fixed blade broadhead are you using?
Do they fly to the same point of impact as the field tips on performance broadheads over 400 fps?
thanks in advance for any help
I don't shoot crossbows. But I can pretty much shoot any broadhead out of my compound. I spent a lot of time tuning it though. And it will shoot fieldpoints and broadheads the same.

I would think if the crossbow is properly tuned then your fieldpoints and BH would hit the same.

I start with paper tuning, then I walk back tune. What have you done for tuning?
I shoot 100 grain Muzzy’s 3 and 4 blade out of my crossbows and compound. No issues/deviation with any. Buddy of mine swears by the 125 grain in his crossbow, but I didn’t notice any difference.
QAD exodus are pretty high up on everyones list, Ive never had an issue with them. Like said before, gotta tune (not sure how to tune a crossbow but I assume its similar to a compound)
My son & I started bowhunting about 4 years ago. But we're using compound bows that have IBO ratings at about 300 fps. We've gotten 8 deer and two black bears with the Wasp Bullet. One deer was a bruiser. A couple other deer and one of the bears were a little bigger than average. In all, one deer ran about 100 yards but the blood trail was very easy to follow. Every other animal went less than 30 yards. Also, customer service ordering new gear has been very efficient.
Hello everyone.

I shoot fixed-blade broadheads out of my compound and recurve. However, I'm wondering if that's possible with the speeds of these newer crossbows. :rolleyes: I have a Ravin R10 and it's an absolute tack driver at longer ranges than I intend to take shots at hunting distances.

I've shot some Slick Trick broadheads out of it, but they seem to deviate from the field point of impact. This is not normal for either my compound or recurve, but we're talking about a HUGE (400 fps with the R10) difference in speed. o_O I'm thinking that I either need to build a heavier bolt with a high FOC or keep testing with other brands and styles of fixed blade broadheads until I find something that flies to the same P.O.I. as the field trips.

What fixed blade broadhead are you using?
Do they fly to the same point of impact as the field tips?

I shoot a 424g arrow out of my Excalibur Exocet. I also build my own arrows.

In many cases, factory arrows leave much to be desired.
They have far too little FOC which is why there are heavy 175g crossbow broadheads. They also don’t have enough fletching offset to stabilize the arrow which allows the broadhead more opportunity to steer the arrow.

High FOC is a must.
I use a weighted brass insert 110g IIRC and a 125g broadhead. I am shooting the NAP Spitfire mechanical as I am fond of big holes. I used to shoot Slick Tricks but prefer a bigger hole. My FOC is 26% IIRC. I have been shooting the same arrow for a decade.

Good fletching is also a must.
My arrows are fletched with Bhoning Blazers using a 4 degree right offset. It is about as much as you can get away with without dragging the blazer in the channel. Blazers are higher profile and steer better than the factory Duravanes on most factory arrows.

When I say that my arrows are 424g they are all 424g. I put a lot of effort in matching components and squaring the ends of the shafts and inserts so that they fly straight. Crossbow arrows are much shorter and harder to stabilize.

If you are fixed on shooting fixed blades I recommend trying a good custom arrow. David at Wyvern Creations in New Hampshire is a great source of information and he makes some terrific custom arrows.

PSA: Don't shoot at the same dot on the target. It is too expensive.

I hope that this helps some.

Another thing I can add:

As an experiment. Go to the range and shoot with your broadheads aligned and see what happens. When I did this the accuracy problem went away which proved to me that the broadheads were steering the arrow.

When you put your arrow on the rail ignore the “cock” feather and align the blades on your Slick Trick so that they are vertical and horizontal orientated at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees. It looks like you can twist the nock to make that alignment work. If not using a small “O” ring on the broadhead should give you the same flexibility.

Some people call this “tuning” IMO it is just setting up your arrows for consistent broadhead steering. The problem still exists you are just minimizing the effect.

At your arrow speeds any small inconsistency will create issues.

If you want to try a mechanical the best way to make sure it isn’t opening prematurely is to shoot it through a piece of paper a couple of feet in front of the xbow. The hole will tell the story.

I have never had a problem with the NAP spitfires but your quite a bit faster than me and a crossbow arrow launch is a violent event.

If you decide to try the Spitfres don’t play with them opening and closing the blades. That reduces the friction that holds the blades closed and they will open when launched.
Hello everyone.

I shoot fixed-blade broadheads out of my compound and recurve. However, I'm wondering if that's possible with the speeds of these newer crossbows. :rolleyes: I have a Ravin R10 and it's an absolute tack driver at longer ranges than I intend to take shots at hunting distances.

I've shot some Slick Trick broadheads out of it, but they seem to deviate from the field point of impact. This is not normal for either my compound or recurve, but we're talking about a HUGE (400 fps with the R10) difference in speed. o_O I'm thinking that I either need to build a heavier bolt with a high FOC or keep testing with other brands and styles of fixed blade broadheads until I find something that flies to the same P.O.I. as the field trips.

What fixed blade broadhead are you using?
Do they fly to the same point of impact as the field tips?
Most fixed heads start to plane a bit after 250 fps unless tuned perfectly with you setup. Even the low profile ones like G5 strikers and the like.

You have to fxck with the FOC, weights, length, turn heads to align, etc and tune them up.

Honestly crossbow is shot so little at targets, I'd just set the sight to work with broadheads and forget it. You might be losing a little energy, but its not gonna matter with a crossbow.

Your shooting plenty of energy for mechanicals, just steer clear of the hard quartering away shots and use a decent mechanical is another remedy without a lot of around.
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