Florida CCW Application


NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Putnam, CT
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Has anyone done this? How long did it take to get your permit once you sent it in? I was down in Florida to do my Fingerprints electroniclly but they said it takes the same amount of time that way as well as a normal ink way.

So am just curious on how long on average it has taken for people who have them.

I just sent in my application 9/12.
Brent, mine took ~120 days back in 2001.

I sent it in August 2001, called them on 9/11/01 (yup, that day) to learn that it was on "hold" since they scan the applications in and when they did that, they couldn't see the Notary Seal and rejected the application. Talked the lady on the phone thru looking very carefully and you could barely see it, so I got put back in the "active" pile. Took until early December 2001 before I received it . . . after I had needed it if I had made the planned trip down to FL (but 9/11 caused me to cancel my trip plans).

Don't know what current turn-around time is.
Update.. I just received my Florida Licence.

Just shy of 60 days.

Not to shabby.. Now just need to get Utah, Maine and CT and I am all set.
Weer'd Beard said:
All Set? There are LOTS more state than that! 8)


-Weer'd Beard
There are many out of state permits you don't need. For example, UT is completely redundant if you have a FL permit except for the state of WA. (All states covered by the UT permit, including UT are covered by a FL permit except WA). Conversely, once you have your UT permit, the state of WA permit is redundant. WA requires an in-person visit and UT does not, so most non-residents would opt for the former.
Weer'd Beard said:
All Set? There are LOTS more state than that! 8)


-Weer'd Beard

FL and Utah both cover many states, with a tremendous amount of overlap between them. Reciprocity works, at least in other parts of the country.

Check www.packing.org, each state's listing tells you who accepts their CCW.
Only reason I was goin for Utah, was that it also covers MN and one other state too. But anyways :)

According to packing.org:

UT is honored in MN and WA but FL is not.

FL is honored in PA but UT is not.
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