Folding stocks in MA and AR pistols

Dec 30, 2014
South Shore, MA
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Hey guys,

I'm looking for confirmation that even SBRs have to adhere to MA AWB meaning that I cannot put a flash suppressor on the rifle and I cannot put a folding stock. I'm going to assume you cannot but because the rifle is federally registered I was curious about it.

Secondly, is the only real difference between an SBR and the AR pistol that you cannot shoulder the pistol? How would one go about building the pistol? Same was as the SBR?

Thanks in advance!

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Massachusetts clearly defines an "assault rifle" as having a 16" barrel. Any rifle barrel shorter than that does not meet the states definition of what they define an "assault weapon" as. (other than a 14.5" w/pinned break because thats classified as a 16" barrel in the eyes of the feds)

There is no "grey" area on this one in my eyes. Do what you are comfortable with all you will receive is opinions.
Secondly, is the only real difference between an SBR and the AR pistol that you cannot shoulder the pistol? How would one go about building the pistol? Same was as the SBR?

Basically yes. You aren't suppose to shoulder a pistol. you also can not have a fore grip on pistols.
Massachusetts clearly defines an "assault rifle" as having a 16" barrel. Any rifle barrel shorter than that does not meet the states definition of what they define an "assault weapon" as. (other than a 14.5" w/pinned break because thats classified as a 16" barrel in the eyes of the feds)

There is no "grey" area on this one in my eyes. Do what you are comfortable with all you will receive is opinions.
It does seem that, looking at the law, SBRs do not apply to the MA AWB. However I'm sure a lawyer might say otherwise.

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Laws are not written to permit but to deny or control. Thus you will not find a law stating that SBR's are legal in MA. If they were banned/illegal, there would be a law spelling it out as such. They fall into a void in the law commonly called a grey area but in reality, most agree with JRON: The MA AWB as written does not apply to SBR's.
Laws are not written to permit but to deny or control. Thus you will not find a law stating that SBR's are legal in MA. If they were banned/illegal, there would be a law spelling it out as such. They fall into a void in the law commonly called a grey area but in reality, most agree with JRON: The MA AWB as written does not apply to SBR's.

It seems that only the LEOs trained or reading a certain book on MA gun laws don't agree with JRON. One can always leave it up to the DA and judge to give their best understanding on this.

I agree that it is gray, but if you search for another post of mine today in the MA gun laws sub-forum you'll see some interesting quotes from his latest book on the subject.
It seems that only the LEOs trained or reading a certain book on MA gun laws don't agree with JRON. One can always leave it up to the DA and judge to give their best understanding on this.

I agree that it is gray, but if you search for another post of mine today in the MA gun laws sub-forum you'll see some interesting quotes from his latest book on the subject.

I get that "they" are training their soldiers a certain way. The same way they train their minions to ignore the law on web purchases and a dozen other things.

Bottom line I agree with JRON: This is about risk tolerance. If you let them strip you of your rights without even so much as a law on the books and mere hyperbole and rumor then why even leave the house.

The only way to stay out of legal trouble in this state is to not run afoul of LEO. They have proven time and time again that they have no respect for the laws on the books or even the decisions of the highest court in the land. I see no point in even discussing the subject of what they deem illegal.
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