For all you caregivers out helps on the way...😂

My Mom was on the receiving end of some of that PTSD on more than one occasion, and she could have used that video. LOL.
She called it "shell shock" and the incident I remember the most was around 75 or 76, but it was definitely July.
My old man was in the Pacific, and almost never talked about it. Every know and again he would be having a bad dream and would yell in the middle of the night, wake everybody but always fell right back to sleep.
I would have been 8 or 9 years old. My twin brother and I were on the living room floor, watching Hawaii 5-0, cuz in the 70's kids weren't allowed on the couches. Dad was still in his green Dickies and white T shirt and had fallen asleep in his chair, mom was on the couch.
I always thought it was something on the TV, but my Mom always said it was a bottle rocket that the neighbors were shooting off, but all of a sudden my Dad sprang to his feet and let out an epic stream of filth that would have given a school teacher a stroke. My mom, all 5'1" of her, stood up, shouted his name, and slapped him right across the face.
His face turned red, he grabbed my mom by the throat and picked her up with one hand, with pure rage and murder in his eyes. My brother and I nearly shit our pants, and were frozen in place with our mouths wide. My sister had heard the ruckus and ran into the room and yelled "Dad !!!" He snapped his head round to look at her and all the color drained from his face. He let my Mom go, muttered "f***" under his breath, went out to the kitchen and made a high ball with Canadian Mist, sat back down like nothing happened and watched TV.
That was a full 30 years after he was in combat. Mom said it was actually worse when he got older. That was the first time I ever heard his drop an F bomb, and the last time I ever saw my Mom slap him!
I can relate Wayne that must have been a terrifying sight you kids to see. My old man who was a fighter pilot in China and as a kid I'd watch in dread as he'd fixed himself an CC High Ball to relax after a week on the road. Instead of relaxing him, he'd look for a fight. My mom being constantly in survival mode would reflexively know how to deflect his anger. She would relate enough of my petty crimes committed during his absence to deflect his anger away from her and the other six children and the game was on, I was the Jap Zero in his gunsight. Wasn't pretty, my friends knew enough to decline any invitations to 'come over the house.' So a few years later when I arrived in Vietnam, I was already battle
Funny, my episodes are getting less with age. I don’t do well with fireworks, but not every time. visuals don’t trigger, but sound and smell do. I don’t have flashbacks or violent outbursts. I just get depressed, very irritable and try to get away from people. it’s different for everybody, I guess. But you gotta keep in mind that I’m a pussy.
Funny, my episodes are getting less with age. I don’t do well with fireworks, but not every time. visuals don’t trigger, but sound and smell do. I don’t have flashbacks or violent outbursts. I just get depressed, very irritable and try to get away from people. it’s different for everybody, I guess. But you gotta keep in mind that I’m a pussy.
Sounds like early the early signs of Dementia.... just kidding man!
Friend of mine that I served with was an avid hunter his whole life and gave up deer hunting. He said the "thwack" of the bullet impact bothered him .
Now he sticks to bird hunting.
Actually I sent the above clip to my oldest daughter, who unknown to me, volunteered in VA hospitals. She said, Yea Dad, that happened a lot, I would just hold their hand and comfort them and the terror would go away and they would sleep. Damn, don't make then like that anymore so proud of her.
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