For any of you with newer Glocks, you might want to check the frame.


NES Member
Aug 15, 2007
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Sorry for adding to the grenade jokes.

careful- you just opened up Gaston's anus to get marched into by the M&P crack peddlers on NES.

but in all seriousness- that crack looks like it originated from a wall joint- typical stress concentration in any mechanical structure. I am very surprised that the engineers that modeled that didn't add generous fillets to the frame part corners in these areas to distribute such stress so it doesn't concentrate at the very corner of that feature.

I know it's a cluttered assembly, but I am failing to see any mechanical interference a nice fillet on that part wall would have f'd with. It also looks tool safe for the core and cavity of that part.

I'm sure S&W's frame looks just as janky. I'm going to tear apart my M&P tonight and laugh at all the idiotic engineering these firearm hacks are doing on plastic parts. It seriously looks like these firearm CAD modeling guys are being so stingy on the frame because of the glass filled material being so $$$.

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My 17 has it but to be honest it looks like a mold line on mine, not a crack because it follows a wave in the polymer surface around the top down into the trigger guard.
more rounds than i can count thru my .40cal and all looks good. still the first pistol i would grab if shtf. thanks for the heads up tho. this is the 1st exploding Glock post I've ever seen...haha[laugh2]...
I don't own any Glocks YET, but for my own benefit, will they fix it if you send that back?


Not only will they fix it, but I have heard that if they can't, You get a new frame!
beneficial, if you send in a Gen2 for repair, and get a Gen3 frame back in return. I believe the SN has a "R" prefix for repair.
So when all is said and done, you might have to send in a FA10, check registration.
I don't own any Glocks YET, but for my own benefit, will they fix it if you send that back?


Outside of MA, a frame that fails for anything other than abuse will generally be replaced quickly, and for free.

Glock will not replace a frame for non-LEO in MA due to the AG's declaration that the loaded chamber indicator is not "effective", and it will not be productive to attempt to explain that a manufacturer may ship a frame directly on a repair exchange without use of an FFL provide the old frame is returned; or that the frame is not a firearm under MGL and may be shipped separately to a dealer for transfer (or directly on an exchange for repair basis). All of these legal work-arounds to the AG regs are indeed valid, but Glock chooses to walk a conservative path.
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