Free lock picking class in Portsmouth November 2nd

good to know. i was reading through some links and came upon a page that said that lock picks were illegal and seen as burglary tools in a number of states. nothing to reference laws though. just figured i would ask here
NH " It is an affirmative defense... that the building ... was abandoned."

Legality varies by state, most New England states either have no specific law on possession of picks and bump keys, or the law requires "intent" to use them unlawfully.

Technically, federal law makes it unlawful to deliver lockpicks via USPS or other carrier interstate, except to professionals in the industry, but it's routinely ignored.

In my experience, successful lockpicking is about practice/technique, a pricier pick isn't necessarily better, just more durable. I recommend buying the picks sold by TOOOL, mostly because the proceeds go to support the group, and they are made in the United States.
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Burglary tools when used in a burglary. Screwdrivers and flashlights can be considered burglary tools under certain circumstances as well. Mere possession, is perfectly legal.
If there's sufficient interest, I could look into arranging for a TOOOL lockpicking class in Nashua, probably would be December at the earliest.

My company is located in Natick and we have a classroom with U shaped seating for students.

If there was interest in a class down this way I could host. The facilities are available most nights and weekends.


I would be interested in either, drive to Natick or Nashua would be about the same for me.

Is this basically a beginners class? I have a small lockpick set with a couple picks.... I don't really know what I'm doing and can typically just use a rake if the lock is pretty shitty.
I would be interested in either, drive to Natick or Nashua would be about the same for me.
Is this basically a beginners class? I have a small lockpick set with a couple picks.... I don't really know what I'm doing and can typically just use a rake if the lock is pretty shitty.
Yes, usually TOOOL puts on what amounts to a beginner's class, so at least by the end of the day you will know what you're doing, and how to at least try to do more than rake or bump a cheap lock.
I would be up for this, would do Natick but would rather something closer to the south shore... But I will take what I can get, this is a skill I always wanted to learn.
There's a whole separate crew of folk in Providence, I think you just missed their most recent lockpick tutorial event at the RI mini maker faire. Look up DC401/AS220 for more info on Providence events.
Nashua event with Maine's TOOOL chapter on 11/23/2013

See for (free) registration.

This isn't a formal class, but is an opportunity to learn to pick and meet some interesting people at a family-friendly meetup (Definitely no open-carry BBQ!), but they are potluck and the GraniteSec meetups have a farely good turnout even in poor weather.

If you have some picks or locks, bring them along.
Lock sport is actually a hobby of mine - you can get picks and turning tools from a bunch of places online (lockpickersmall, thinkpeterson,, etc...) or you can make your own out of hacksaw blades, windshield wipers, and/or street-sweeper bristles.

After that, just pick up some locks from where ever and start practicing, its really not hard to learn on your own if you can't make the courses.

Alternatively you can always try to find me in the Portsmouth area - I'm constantly at certain local places with practice locks and kits on me, just messing around; always happy to show someone how to do it.
Great time, the TOOOL guys put on a great beginners program. Lots of different locks and picks to get hands-on with. Good to meet some fellow NES'ers...I was off on spotting a couple. Thought I'd be out of place bringing my 3 year old, but turns out there were a bunch of kids there. Thanks for posting about this!
Great time, the TOOOL guys put on a great beginners program. Lots of different locks and picks to get hands-on with. Good to meet some fellow NES'ers...I was off on spotting a couple. Thought I'd be out of place bringing my 3 year old, but turns out there were a bunch of kids there. Thanks for posting about this!

My daughter and I were over on the couch, we had a great time.

TOOOL said they have a lock picking class the first Saturday of every month.

Tony P.
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Great time, the TOOOL guys put on a great beginners program. Lots of different locks and picks to get hands-on with. Good to meet some fellow NES'ers...I was off on spotting a couple. Thought I'd be out of place bringing my 3 year old, but turns out there were a bunch of kids there. Thanks for posting about this!

Glad it was good, 2nd one I've posted and have missed both [thinking]
Wish I had seen this sooner, all I did yesterday was unpack and go grocery shopping. Hope there is an other one.
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