I want to give a big shout out to @Skysoldier. As some of you guys know he is a Vietnam Veteran and through the years we have spoken a few times via PM since he knows my Father was a Marine In Vietnam back in 1968 as a grunt. My father is a F’ked up Individual from his time over there, becoming a heroin addict and having a serious case of survivors guilt when he came home. He doesn’t talk about much of it but one story I get from him that really bothers him to this day is when he was walking through the jungle and for no reason at all stepped over a patch of grass and didn’t give it a second thought and Ofcourse the guy behind him walking the same path and direction got both his legs blown off. I can only image how much that bothers him and how much it effected him dwelling on it. He is a quiet veteran, no hats or car stickers, when he is out in public nobody knows he is a Vet except for his tattoo on his forearm. The other day Kim asks for my address because he has something for my Old Man, so I give it to him and yesterday in the mail it came. It’s a commemorative Iwo Jima Flag Raising stamp set. My father was suprised and it put a smile on his face. He is not a computer or cell phone guy and made me promise to thank Kim and that’s what I’m doing. Good timing since today is his 71st Birthday Thank You again Kim! From Me and my Old Man!