Frustration with the Mass Rifle Association

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Jan 31, 2007
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This post is mostly a chance to vent. After my experiences there this morning, then reading a couple threads this evening, I can’t help but feel extremely frustrated with the club right now.

This morning I went to the Mass Rifle Association to sign up Shortey Girley and renew my membership. It cost me $230.

We then ask to sign up to quality (or in my case, requalify) on the outdoor ranges. At the MRA you’re required to qualify on the outdoor ranges, in addition to the testing and qualifying you do when you join the club. I did this in the summer of 2007. Then I was sent a letter this spring of 08 telling me everyone needed to go to a meeting before they could shoot outdoors again. Meeting was in the middle of tax season – that wasn’t happening. So I’ve been banned from the outdoor ranges ever since.

So upon inquiring about qualifying, we’re asked “How long as she been shooting?” Shortey gets, “I started shooting in November…” and then is cut off with a “No, sorry, you can’t shoot outdoors here, come back next Spring.” There was no question as to her level of proficiency, how much she’s been shooting or the kind of training she’s received. Apparently time is the only measurement, and she didn’t measure up.

So we make our way into the Loeb range. Three of the lanes have signs on them, “Closed For Repairs.” Those signs have been there for weeks, if not months. I set up my gear on a lane with no sign, hang my target, and turn on the runner. Nothing happens – the target runner is broken. Same with the one Shortey has set up on. We have to try two more lanes before I find one that’s working. That’s seven broken runners (that we know of) in the range.

Then, later this evening, I log onto the MRA’s HORRIBLE website to write an email to the board mentioning the broken lanes. I log into the forum and find a thread titled, “New Rules.” Apparently the board decided that centerfire rifles can no longer be fired from the 30 or 50 foot marks at the range – all targets must be hung at 75 feet (50 feet for rimfire rifles). Now I cannot shoot a rifle at a target inside 25 yards anywhere at the club.

I feel like banging my head against a wall right now…
I just drove there (note the time) to do some shooting. Got there, and saw this nice sign about Loeb being closed from 9/21 to 9/23. Great. Waste of $20 of gas. Thanks a lot. On the way out I hit a pothole and now my left front wheel is making grinding sounds that I'm going outside to check on now (again, note the time of the post).

I no longer intend to renew my membership. Enough is enough.
I'm going to see if I can find a sponsor.

How hard is it to make a range update mailing list anyway?
This post is mostly a chance to vent. After my experiences there this morning, then reading a couple threads this evening, I can’t help but feel extremely frustrated with the club right now.

This morning I went to the Mass Rifle Association to sign up Shortey Girley and renew my membership. It cost me $230.

We then ask to sign up to quality (or in my case, requalify) on the outdoor ranges. At the MRA you’re required to qualify on the outdoor ranges, in addition to the testing and qualifying you do when you join the club. I did this in the summer of 2007. Then I was sent a letter this spring of 08 telling me everyone needed to go to a meeting before they could shoot outdoors again. Meeting was in the middle of tax season – that wasn’t happening. So I’ve been banned from the outdoor ranges ever since. Everyone who was previously qualified on the McLauglin range was required to come to one of 2 scheduled (well in advance) meetings. These meetings were in response to a particular problem that needed to be addressed. Everyone was required to attend, even the BOD

So upon inquiring about qualifying, we’re asked “How long as she been shooting?” Shortey gets, “I started shooting in November…” and then is cut off with a “No, sorry, you can’t shoot outdoors here, come back next Spring.” There was no question as to her level of proficiency, how much she’s been shooting or the kind of training she’s received. Apparently time is the only measurement, and she didn’t measure up.As part of the new qualification procedures, a new member must be a member of the MRA for 6 months before qualifing on the 2 outdoor ranges (McLauglin and 100/200) I apologize to you and Shortey if this wass not explained. Please PM me to discuss.

So we make our way into the Loeb range. Three of the lanes have signs on them, “Closed For Repairs.” Those signs have been there for weeks, if not months. I set up my gear on a lane with no sign, hang my target, and turn on the runner. Nothing happens – the target runner is broken. Same with the one Shortey has set up on. We have to try two more lanes before I find one that’s working. That’s seven broken runners (that we know of) in the range. Unfortunatley, some of the membership has been less that kind to the new retrieval system. As a result the range will be closed for 2 days to repair the damage.

Then, later this evening, I log onto the MRA’s HORRIBLE website to write an email to the board mentioning the broken lanes. I log into the forum and find a thread titled, “New Rules.” Apparently the board decided that centerfire rifles can no longer be fired from the 30 or 50 foot marks at the range – all targets must be hung at 75 feet (50 feet for rimfire rifles). Now I cannot shoot a rifle at a target inside 25 yards anywhere at the club. This was in response to major, recurring damage being done to club property. Rifles were not banned. Members need to show up at board meetings to voice their concerns.

I feel like banging my head against a wall right now…
Please be careful....walls are hard[smile]
I attended board meetings the first couple months I was a member. Now my schedule doesn’t permit me to attend, so I have to use other venues to express my opinions.

And my opinion is that the new rules on the Loeb range are unacceptable. The primary reason I joined the MRA in the first place is its relatively relaxed restrictions on the Loeb range. The more and more the MRA’s ranges are restricted, the less and less appealing the club becomes.

I understand that there is a serious problem with damage being caused to the range. However, I think that restricting the rest of the club’s membership due to the actions of a destructive few is not the right direction the club should be going in. What happens six months from now if the damage doesn’t stop? Do we restrict the range even further? When does the Loeb range become a ‘1 round capacity’ like the outdoor range?

On another thread you mentioned that we don’t FOB into shooting lanes. Maybe this is what we need to start doing. Or if FOBing into the range is technologically infeasible, require shooters to sign into a lane when the shoot in the Fazio. If the lane is broken when they get there, they’re required to report it. If a lane is reported broken, you check the records and find out who was shooting before and kick their ass out (or even better, charge them for the repairs before they’re allowed to shoot again).

My other thought is to increase the membership dues. I have no problem paying more for a better club. If you increased dues $100, you’d have an extra $160k to hire a regular part time maintenance person to maintain the range and track down trouble makers.
$160k/year part time range maintenance person? sign me up! (kidding, i know what you meant)
However, I think that restricting the rest of the club’s membership due to the actions of a destructive few is not the right direction the club should be going in.

Indeed. There's a balance in there somewhere, but I suspect we've already passed the point where the bulk of the damage that's happening is entirely willful and more rules won't help. I'm willing to recognize that I could be wrong, here; if the BoD says "hey, we passed this rule and Loeb isn't getting shot up anymore; it actually works", then... I'm still unhappy, but more with the marksmanship of my fellow members than the board.

I didn't realize there was actually a September board meeting. I was planning on going to it to voice my concerns about exactly this, but then I looked at the web site and it said that board meetings are November-June only so I figured the big annual meeting was my next chance.

Was this a special meeting or is the web site just wrong about the meeting schedule? Most of all I'd like a better idea of what's going on with the club, and I'm realizing that online fora don't work well for that.
For what it is worth I will not be renewing my MRA membership this year. I joined Shirley Rod & Gun Club. Longer drive, but less restrictions, lower dues and nicer people. Last week I received my MRA renewal notice along with the new Loeb rules. I do not object to the rule changes at all, but I can do without the nasty tone. I have never, ever damaged anything at the club and I follow all of the rules. I leave it cleaner then I found it. Pissing off good members really makes a lot of sense.
For what it is worth I will not be renewing my MRA membership this year...
...I do not object to the rule changes at all, but I can do without the nasty tone. I have never, ever damaged anything at the club and I follow all of the rules. I leave it cleaner then I found it. Pissing off good members really makes a lot of sense.

+1 Same deal here, though I haven't joined another club yet. It seems as though the club in general has regressed from what it was 3 years ago when I first joined. It's too bad, because it has the potential to be a great club.
i joined MRA this summer and ended up canceling my membership because i was at the time about to move out of state. i didnt end up moving, but i thankfully canceled my MRA membership.

the outdoor range's qual rules are a bunch of bullshit. me being a member at MRA for 1 day or 6 months makes no difference on how im going to qual on the outdoor range. when you have the "come back in 6 months" BS rule for the range, that basicly told me i cant shot period at that range, since i almost exclusively shoot rifle. (dont even get me started one the one bullet at a time crap)

now that i see loeb is falling apart and half of it is broken, im really happy i didnt join that place. rules rules rules rules rules rules rules. jesus christ.
i joined MRA this summer and ended up canceling my membership because i was at the time about to move out of state. i didnt end up moving, but i thankfully canceled my MRA membership.

the outdoor range's qual rules are a bunch of bullshit. me being a member at MRA for 1 day or 6 months makes no difference on how im going to qual on the outdoor range. when you have the "come back in 6 months" BS rule for the range, that basicly told me i cant shot period at that range, since i almost exclusively shoot rifle. (dont even get me started one the one bullet at a time crap)

now that i see loeb is falling apart and half of it is broken, im really happy i didnt join that place. rules rules rules rules rules rules rules. jesus christ.

[laugh]yep, just keep digging the knife deeper! keep throwing lemon salt on my wounds!
+1 Same deal here, though I haven't joined another club yet. It seems as though the club in general has regressed from what it was 3 years ago when I first joined. It's too bad, because it has the potential to be a great club.


I'm not planning on renewing mine, either.

I'm an Expert Marksman
Certified Range Safety Officer
and have shot with the MRA Rifle Team

However, all three times I had scheduled to qualify, they couldn't do it. I'm still not allowed to shoot on outdoor ranges.

I kept my membership for Loeb range, but now that blows, too.
I think that MRA should throw out all of the rules.[rofl]
Then we can all join another club, because MRA won't last to see the new year.[crying]
I would challenge anyone who has a plan to solve the "problems" MRA faces on a daily basis, to show up at a board meeting and put forth their plan.
I think that MRA should throw out all of the rules.[rofl]
Then we can all join another club, because MRA won't last to see the new year.[crying]
I would challenge anyone who has a plan to solve the "problems" MRA faces on a daily basis, to show up at a board meeting and put forth their plan.

Judging by some of the responses here, one of the problems MRA has is the idiotic rules are driving out the long time, safe shooters. I've shot with many of those expressing an intent to not renew, and they're people I'd be trying to keep at my club if I owned one.
Judging by some of the responses here, one of the problems MRA has is the idiotic rules are driving out the long time, safe shooters. I've shot with many of those expressing an intent to not renew, and they're people I'd be trying to keep at my club if I owned one.

First, no one person "owns" MRA. The membership as a whole has "ownership stock". It is an interesting fact that less than 5% (a whole lot less) of the membership contributes to keeping the range functioning at any capacity. A very few dedicated members voluteer countless hours every day, month, and year to keep the club maintained and functioning. Guess what, not one is compensated for their time.
Just as a side note, some of the "idiotic" rules have been in place for years. Case in point, the single shot rule on the 100/200. That rule has been in place for over 15 years.[shocked]
First, no one person "owns" MRA. The membership as a whole has "ownership stock".

I didn't say anyone did. I specifically stated that if I owned a club.

It is an interesting fact that less than 5% (a whole lot less) of the membership contributes to keeping the range functioning at any capacity

It's an interesting fact that EVERYONE either volunteers as required or pays more to make up for it, yet you don't consider them contributing. Your attitude towards members is part of the club's problem. In my humble opinion, you should step down.

A very few dedicated members voluteer countless hours every day, month, and year to keep the club maintained and functioning. Guess what, not one is compensated for their time.

And many more fix minor range issues, leave supplies, and clean up messes without asking for recognition or coming here crowing about it.

Just as a side note, some of the "idiotic" rules have been in place for years. Case in point, the single shot rule on the 100/200. That rule has been in place for over 15 years.[shocked]

And some of the idiotic rules have been instituted in recent years. The length of time they've been around doesn't make them more, or less, idiotic.
Massman has a point. Instead of complaining here or dropping out of the club, you should first make your views known to the club officers. I have a few complaints myself, but I still value my membership and appreciate work done by the club officers for no compensation and very little recognition.
Massman has a point. Instead of complaining here or dropping out of the club, you should first make your views known to the club officers. I have a few complaints myself, but I still value my membership and appreciate work done by the club officers for no compensation and very little recognition.

If I'm not mistaken, he is a club officer. Now he knows. This isn't the MRA forum. It's for Gun Range and Club discussion. It's amazing that instead of reading the discussion here and learning some of the things that may bother members, he starts tossing accusations and defenses.
I didn't say anyone did. I specifically stated that if I owned a club.


It's an interesting fact that EVERYONE either volunteers as required or pays more to make up for it, yet you don't consider them contributing. Your attitude towards members is part of the club's problem. In my humble opinion, you should step down.

And many more fix minor range issues, leave supplies, and clean up messes without asking for recognition or coming here crowing about it.

And some of the idiotic rules have been instituted in recent years. The length of time they've been around doesn't make them more, or less, idiotic.

So, more complaining. I paid $50 more a year so I have a right to complain.
Yet, you have not offered one solution to the solve any of the problems you are complaining about. In my humble opinion, maybe MRA should go back to requiring 8 hours of actual work time to become a member.
Again, the monthly board meetings are open to all members.
Lastly, thank you for your humble opinion, but I will not step down.
If I'm not mistaken, he is a club officer. Now he knows. This isn't the MRA forum. It's for Gun Range and Club discussion. It's amazing that instead of reading the discussion here and learning some of the things that may bother members, he starts tossing accusations and defenses.

Accusations? More likely, clarifications. And you are right, this isn't the MRA forum.
So just because this is for Gun range and Club discussions, I can not express my opinions. Amazing.[smile]
So, more complaining. I paid $50 more a year so I have a right to complain.

I'm a member of the club so I have a right to complain. If you're unhappy with that, make a new rule: "No club member complaining."

Yet, you have not offered one solution to the solve any of the problems you are complaining about. In my humble opinion, maybe MRA should go back to requiring 8 hours of actual work time to become a member.
Again, the monthly board meetings are open to all members.
Lastly, thank you for your humble opinion, but I will not step down.

I have solutions for all of them. The last time I offered a few suggestions, I was told to put it in writing, present it to the board, give them something to read, then return for another meeting. You don't want suggestions, you'd rather stay there on your elitist "poor me, I'm a BOD member and you all suck" soap box and look down your nose at the riff raff.
Accusations? More likely, clarifications. And you are right, this isn't the MRA forum.
So just because this is for Gun range and Club discussions, I can not express my opinions. Amazing.[smile]

Of course you can. You don't even need to stop crying because others disagree. You make stupid decisions, then blame the membership when they fall apart.

That retrieval system? It's great......for a pistol range. Retrieval systems get shot on EVERY rifle range. Anyone who's run a range knows that. You don't build a retrieval system for durability unless it's enclosed. You build it for repairability. A pulley, a crank pulley, and a guide wire. Keep a ball of twine on the back table. When the twine is shot, it's replaced in 5 minutes at the cost of a few pennies. Not days down and a work day to repair.

What other suggestions would you like?
I'm a member of the club so I have a right to complain. If you're unhappy with that, make a new rule: "No club member complaining."

I have solutions for all of them. The last time I offered a few suggestions, I was told to put it in writing, present it to the board, give them something to read, then return for another meeting. You don't want suggestions, you'd rather stay there on your elitist "poor me, I'm a BOD member and you all suck" soap box and look down your nose at the riff raff.

So basically your saying that you do not have time to write down a suggestion or come to the board meeting? You haven't given any suggestions, so how can you say the BOD is not open to them.
If you do not have time to come to a BOD meeting, I am at the club almost every Wed. night, and most Sundays. I am sure you will find other BOD members at the club also.
Ooops....better get off my soap box.
So basically your saying that you do not have time to write down a suggestion or come to the board meeting? You haven't given any suggestions, so how can you say the BOD is not open to them.
If you do not have time to come to a BOD meeting, I am at the club almost every Wed. night, and most Sundays. I am sure you will find other BOD members at the club also.
Ooops....better get off my soap box.

I just gave you one. Pretending I didn't doesn't make it any less true. I also offered to completely solve your range reservation issue, on my own time and dime, and told you how I'd do it. You replied as I stated above. Don't say I haven't given suggestions, that's a blatant lie.

As I said, you don't want help, you want control.
Of course you can. You don't even need to stop crying because others disagree. You make stupid decisions, then blame the membership when they fall apart.[crying][crying][crying]Let me wipe my eyes. Actions speak louder than words.

That retrieval system? It's great......for a pistol range. Retrieval systems get shot on EVERY rifle range. Anyone who's run a range knows that. You don't build a retrieval system for durability unless it's enclosed. You build it for repairability. A pulley, a crank pulley, and a guide wire. Keep a ball of twine on the back table. When the twine is shot, it's replaced in 5 minutes at the cost of a few pennies. Not days down and a work day to repair.So, you have run a range? I personaly do not run any of the MRA ranges. Just 1 voice out of many. Difference is, I am willingly back up my position. Just for clarification, MRA did not build the retreival system. [/

What other suggestions would you like?

Twine might work.
I just gave you one. Pretending I didn't doesn't make it any less true. I also offered to completely solve your range reservation issue, on my own time and dime, and told you how I'd do it. You replied as I stated above. Don't say I haven't given suggestions, that's a blatant lie.

As I said, you don't want help, you want control.

Control? To what end? Add $2.25 and the fact I am a BOD member, and I could get a cup of coffee[grin]

Ohhh, by the way the range reservation "problem" has been solved by the forum.
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