Massman has a point. Instead of complaining here or dropping out of the club, you should first make your views known to the club officers. I have a few complaints myself, but I still value my membership and appreciate work done by the club officers for no compensation and very little recognition.
+1 to what Gammon said.
It's an interesting fact that EVERYONE either volunteers as required or pays more to make up for it, yet you don't consider them contributing. Your attitude towards members is part of the club's problem. In my humble opinion, you should step down.
Martlet - you really don't have a clue... Massman is an asset to MRA. Masman has been responsible for getting the last 1/2 dozen major projects completed at the club. Without his assistance much of these projects would not have been completed.
Masman does not volunteer his time to help for his ego - he volunteers for the betterment of Mass Rifle and his love of the shooting sports.
...The last time I offered a few suggestions, I was told to put it in writing, present it to the board, give them something to read, then return for another meeting. You don't want suggestions, you'd rather stay there on your elitist "poor me, I'm a BOD member and you all suck" soap box and look down your nose at the riff raff.
Shame on you for suggesting that Masman is an elitistist.
The submission of any proposal to the BOD is required in "writing".
Comments and/or approvals are typically given at the following months BOD meeting.
As I understand it, this rule was put in place so that a member with a "Proposal" could list his proposal and allow the Board to read and discuss the proposal. The BOD consists of 17 Directors all of which have the right to weigh in on any given proposal.
I was on the Board of Directors at Mass Rifle for about five years - I left due to family, work and shooting commitments.
My frustration then and now as a member - is the attitude of members who constantly bitch, suggest possible solutions but never follow thru.
It's really easy to point fingers at a Director and cast blame - one thing you need to remember is that a Director is a Member too and they have the right to voice their opinion just like you. Without people like Massman, MRA would not exist. There are a core group of members and a few Directors that do most of the work at MRA - I am not one of them, although I still volunteer many, many hours each year to try and help Mass Rifle.
Mass Rifle does have it's issues - there are issues at the club that frustrate me too - but I don't go onto a public Forum and bad mouth the club.
If any one is so unhappy with Mass Rifle - then I suggest you find another club. But keep in mind - all gun clubs have issues - I should know I belong to three and have heard stories of others.
If you want to help or have suggestions on improvements, or even want to complain about the rules of a certain range, I suggest rather than ranting here (or in addition to ranting here) - do it in person at Mass Rifle.
Bitching here does not relay your information/rant to the 17 Directors at Mass Rifle.
If you don't have time to show up at a meeting - then write a letter and ask that it gets read at the next BOD meeting.
Feel free to PM me and I can provide an e-mail address or mailing address to one of the club Officers.
Please note that I do not intend to get into a heated debate in this thread, on this Forum.
I am just giving you my view point and for those interested MRA does have a Forum - you can Rant there too.