FSC PWS 556 Compensator Weld

Aug 28, 2010
Space Taxachusetts
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I dropped off my AR-15 with a PWS FSC556 for a pin and weld job recently in order to make it legal in this lovely state. I was told by the guy who's doing the job that the compensator is a pain in the ass to drill through and that he's got to order better bits because of the material.

Has anyone else had a problem with this compensator? I'm not trying to call the guy out who's doing my job, because I haven't had any previous problems and my buddy goes solely to him for things like this. I'm just curious to hear other stories and to let other people know that this comp might be an added pain to bring a rifle towards MA compliance.
Yes, they are made from depleted uranium with a hardened zinc coating. A mere mortal drill bit will self-destruct if it's even in the same room as this magical metal.
Yes, they are made from depleted uranium with a hardened zinc coating. A mere mortal drill bit will self-destruct if it's even in the same room as this magical metal.

that only happens when i drill AKs. ask flintoid. he saw me make a bit explode.

but the story here, seriously? dripping with BS. don't give this dude your money.
that only happens when i drill AKs. ask flintoid. he saw me make a bit explode.

but the story here, seriously? dripping with BS. don't give this dude your money.

I initially thought that maybe he screwed up the comp and that he's biding his time while he's got another on order, and these responses aren't helping. Any suggestions as to who I should bring it to?
When I had mine done by Dave saturri he asked if it was hardened I said I wasn't sure he said he's had trouble drilling some... In the end mine was fine but he asked before he did it! So I guess some can be tougher than others mine was a spikes comp. oh and I too broke a drill but demilling my psl kit always remember safety glasses!
I did mine myself.
Stick it in a drill press, and drill hole. How difficult is that?
I don't remember it being any harder to drill through than anything else.
Yes the steel is hardened, however it is not a problem to drill with a standard drill bit. The problem the bits burn out quickly and have to be replaced. I use carbide drills they are a lot more money, however they last a long time. The excuse this guy used would lead me to think he did not want to do the job and it had nothing to do with drills.
Give me a call
413 579 1994
I did mine in 5.56 and 7.62 both went smoothly. Like John said, the standard bits will burn out quickly.
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