FTF meeting place tips.....

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NES Member
Oct 11, 2006
South Shore, MA
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I couldn't find the old thread on this, so I'll ask again for any words of wisdom.

I'm doing a FTF trade with a NES member. I normally meet people at my club, but in this case we both have CRAZY scheduals and just want to get this done. The only time we can meet is at night, probably in a supermarket parking lot.

I think there is a good chance that someone could call the police (second car pulls in, we both get into one car, etc). Any tips on how to best handle the situation when they show up? The deal involves an "assault" rifle and a ton of ammo. We will both be carrying. I'm worried about getting into a legal debate with a police officer and ending up either arrested or with a couple grand worth of rifles being confiscated?

Am I taking a big risk, or assuming I'm polite should I be able to explain things to the officer?
What you are doing is completely legal. I'd just hop into one car, check out the rifle and make sure it's what you want and then handle the paperwork. I wouldn't sit in the first row of parking spaces or walk around with the rifle outside other than that your fine. As for the ammo, it shouldn't be hard to check it out inside the car or while it's in the trunk. Most people are way too into themselves or oblivious to notice everything. I bought a shotgun from a fellow NESer in the back of a movie theater parking lot with no issue. Be smart, stay safe.
Most people can't care enough to call the police over two guys in a car. All of my transactions save 1 or 2 have been done in a retail parking lot.
Heres a thought, notify the local pd about your perfectly leagle FA10 transfer.

Hell, maybe you could even do it in their parking lot?

How sad is it that this crossed my mind?
Heres a thought, notify the local pd about your perfectly leagle FA10 transfer.

Hell, maybe you could even do it in their parking lot?...

+1. Do it in a PD parking lot, after telling them your plans. Hell, you might even teach the local PD a thing or two about the legalities of FTF transfers between duly-licensed individuals. (And you won't have anyone calling the PD because they "saw something that scared them", lol)
Heres a thought, notify the local pd about your perfectly leagle FA10 transfer.
Hell, maybe you could even do it in their parking lot?
How sad is it that this crossed my mind?

This. It's safe for everyone involved, the cops aren't going to show up and prone you out, etc. Hell, you could do it in the freaking lobby of the cop shop. What the Hell, you've both got your LTCs out anyway. Parking lots at night scream "I'M DOING SOMETHING SHADY." Why borrow trouble for a perfectly innocent transaction?
I've done all my FTF transfers either at one of the parties' homes, or in a gun shop lot.

I think your best bet based on the advice in this thread is Four Seasons, since the PD parking lot is about 10 feet away. Same with Tombstone in Brookfield.

ETA: I see you're on the South Shore. C&F in Middleboro and Zero Hour in Easton have pretty out-of-the-way parking lots. I've done transfers in the ZHA lot before...that way you get to go check out all the cool stuff they have inside, too!
The biggest problem with selling a rifle in a public parking lot is it makes it difficult for the buyer to do a proper inspection while maintaining the necessary discretion when it comes to public view.

"Two guys meeting in a parking lot and exchanging something" meets the profile of a drug deal. There are certain parking lots in my town that are occasionally in the news for "drug deals" - and are thus the ones I avoid for any FTF deals.
do either of you belong to a club in a convenient location? -maybe in their parking lot?
I chickened out, we are going to meet in the AM instead, I just think the dark makes it more suspect. Thanks for all the comments.
do either of you belong to a club in a convenient location? -maybe in their parking lot?

From the OP:

I'm doing a FTF trade with a NES member. I normally meet people at my club, but in this case we both have CRAZY scheduals and just want to get this done. The only time we can meet is at night, probably in a supermarket parking lot.
Being a little paranoid IMO. People don't even call the cops when someones getting raped right outside there door. On the off chance you did get the cops called on you, its a very unlikely anything would come of it.

I've transfered guns in random parking lots a bunch of times and have never had an issue. Who cares if someone calls the cops? You're not doing anything illegal.

Dunkin Donuts. There won't be any cops there.

I actually have done a transfer at a Dunkin's parking lot, but the other guy was a cop. [grin]
You're seriously overthinking this...

I've done a few FTF.
If you act like you're doing something wrong someone might do something.
But most people are so deep in their own little world and/or don't want to get involved you could pull a few Stingers out of your trunk and people will think/pretend they're plumbing supplies...
Just meet with the guy, do your deal and use common sense.
Rest area off the highway? If the cops show up, they might be relieved that all you're doing is a legal FA-10 transaction.
This past Wednesday I did a FTF in a PD parking lot, right out front, in broad daylight, in the center of town. Nobody gave a crap. It's not illegal.
This past Wednesday I did a FTF in a PD parking lot, right out front, in broad daylight, in the center of town. Nobody gave a crap. It's not illegal.

Well when your town only owns 1 cruiser, chances are pretty good there's no cops in the the PD parking lot.

Or is Barre up to 2 cruisers these days? [wink]
If you are going to use a PD parking lot, go in first and let the dispatcher know what's up. Otherwise they may get suspicious when they look at the monitors . . . most PDs have cameras in their parking lots these days.
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