FTF meeting place tips.....

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Anyone doing a FTF has far more to worry about from the other person than the do from the police - even in MA, it's uncommon to arrest people for legal behavior. I would suggest that you always insist on calling the party you are going to meet FTF on their phone number - preferably at a time other than when they call you. That way, you know a phone they are connected with, and it's going to be harder for them to rip you off with complete anonymity. After all, they have your ad and contact info - so they could track you down if you do anything criminal; you should have the same info about them.
Here's that old thread you couldn't find.


What you are doing is completely legal.

Assuming that the ammo invoilved is being traded, and not sold, then yes.

"Two guys meeting in a parking lot and exchanging something" meets the profile of a drug deal. There are certain parking lots in my town that are occasionally in the news for "drug deals" - and are thus the ones I avoid for any FTF deals.

The way you phrased it makes it sound like you buy drugs in parking lots. [laugh]

Elementary? I'd go to the kindergarten. Teach the kids about gun safety as well!

It also appears to be the only school in MA you can legally have a gun in.


Anyone doing a FTF has far more to worry about from the other person than the do from the police

That recent thread where two buyers showed up and neither could produce an FID or LTC left me wondering.

I've never had an issue with a FTF deal. Drove a friend to one where the buyer "accidentally" handed my friend a stack of cash that was $100 short, but his passenger magically had $100 in their pocket that they handed over when he acted surprised that it didn't add up.
I did a FTF in a commuter parking lot. There was a State Police Officer watching us the whole time. I was buying and broke the handgun down on the hood of my car. In plain site of the Officer. He never left his car.

Over thinking it is good to a point. But you can take it too far.
Assuming that the ammo invoilved is being traded, and not sold, then yes.

I may have learned something new here.... is this true? Private ammo sales are illegal? Where is this in the MGL?

ETA: I guess it's right there in my face, Chapter 140 section 122b, but I always assumed it applied to retail sales. But honestly, is this ever enforced in small private sales? Seems like almost everyone sells ammo together with their gun in the classifieds.

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I may have learned something new here.... is this true? Private ammo sales are illegal? Where is this in the MGL?

ETA: I guess it's right there in my face, Chapter 140 section 122b, but I never realized it. But honestly, is this ever enforced in small private sales? Seems like almost everyone sells ammo together with their gun in the classifieds.


Technically you have to be a licensed (by the state) dealer to sell ammunition.
I may have learned something new here.... is this true? Private ammo sales are illegal? Where is this in the MGL?

ETA: I guess it's right there in my face, Chapter 140 section 122b, but I always assumed it applied to retail sales. But honestly, is this ever enforced in small private sales? Seems like almost everyone sells ammo together with their gun in the classifieds.


It's illegal to sell ammunition without a MA Ammo Dealer's License.
OK, but then why do the mods allow it in NES classified ads? I don't want to put anyone on the spot, but it took me less than 2 minutes to find such an ad this morning.

IANAL, but my guess is that this is an "over-reach" by "unintended consequences". I doubt that it was the idiots on Bacon Hill's intention to ban occasional private sales of ammo . . . more than likely they were trying to prevent people acting as dealers w/o a dealer's license (and paying a "tax to the king").

I also doubt that anyone has ever been prosecuted (for selling small, occasional amounts) or that they ever would . . . I would expect a judge (even in MA) to lambaste any idiot DA and throw such a case out.

If nervous about it, here's a potential solution (suggestion) based on what vendors did in the old Blue Laws Days when almost all sales on Sunday were illegal. They advertised a paper bag for $xx and they would throw in the free contents. Made the idiots on Bacon Hill (and local police chiefs) angry, but it was perfectly legal . . . the laws allowed paper bags to be sold anytime, most other goods weren't legal for sale on Sunday (this was true in the 1960s-1970s). Just an idea, IANAL.

Deal went off without a hitch, another great transaction with an NES memeber. Now all I have to do is find time to shoot my new polytech :)
I'd do the transfer in a line to meet Megadeth at the Barnes & Noble. Either that, or drive up to Maine somewhere and park in someone's driveway waaaaaaay out in the boonies.
I may have learned something new here.... is this true? Private ammo sales are illegal? Where is this in the MGL?

ETA: I guess it's right there in my face, Chapter 140 section 122b, but I always assumed it applied to retail sales. But honestly, is this ever enforced in small private sales? Seems like almost everyone sells ammo together with their gun in the classifieds.

It isn't legal, and they'll only give FFL's or manufacturer's the application to file for the permit. But there's a few legal ways around it (gift, trade) that people could be doing.

IANAL, but my guess is that this is an "over-reach" by "unintended consequences". I doubt that it was the idiots on Bacon Hill's intention to ban occasional private sales of ammo . . . more than likely they were trying to prevent people acting as dealers w/o a dealer's license (and paying a "tax to the king").

Agreed, the intent seems like it was for those purposes, although the language of the law didn't exempt it. I think that also stems from people who've never owned a gun not understanding that you might do something with ammo other than buy, shoot and carry it.

I also doubt that anyone has ever been prosecuted (for selling small, occasional amounts) or that they ever would . . . I would expect a judge (even in MA) to lambaste any idiot DA and throw such a case out.

Would you like to place a small wager, perhaps a GOAL donation? [devil2]

Just kidding. But there has been at least one prosecution for it in MA.

Commonwealth v. Bean Seay (1978)

The defendant was convicted of unlawfully carrying a firearm, selling a firearm, and selling ammunition for a firearm. See G. L. c. 140, Sections 122B, 128; G. L. c. 269, Section 10 (a). In this appeal he challenges the trial judge's denial of his motion for a directed verdict on the carrying charge. In addition, he raises issues stemming from the prosecutor's alleged comment on his failure to testify and from the judge's charge to the jury relative to the reasonable doubt standard. We find no error.

Then later, the action that got him charged:

After a few minutes, the defendant returned and directed Cook downstairs to the first landing. The defendant then produced a .32 caliber revolver and six rounds of ammunition for it. Cook agreed to pay $75 for the revolver and ammunition.

It was a felon selling to an undercover ATF agent and that charge wasn't contested, but still, the courts found "no error" in the case of the guy who sold six rounds. Caveat mancipo.
OK, but then why do the mods allow it in NES classified ads? I don't want to put anyone on the spot, but it took me less than 2 minutes to find such an ad this morning.

Because there's nothing stopping the buyer and seller from meeting in a border state and performing the ammo sale that way, or for that matter, using an MA ammo dealer as a "proxy" for the sale. Further, we have no way of knowing who does and does not have an ammo sales license in MA. While the case is probably that most people do not have this license, how are we supposed to know? Do you want us to start "doing the nanny state" and collecting LTC and other license copies from anyone selling ammo, even though we have no legal obligation to do so? [thinking] Some common sense is in order- it is the duty of the individuals buying and selling things here to be apprised of the laws enough to cover their own behinds. We cannot be expected to examine every ad with a fine toothed comb and expect to determine legality of the items sold within. Especially not when the context of that legality is dependent on who is buying the item and how the transaction is occurring. Without knowing all of those things up front, there's no way for us to reliably, 100% of the time, ascertain the "legality" of someone's ad.

The only remotely "practical" idea in moderation would be to ban all ads selling ammo, which is just absurd....

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