FYI Primers

Mar 13, 2009
West Virginia
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Primers are starting to show up places. A friend of mine ordered 13,000 and some powder and got them in around a week. They didn't show in stock but they had them. You might want to check with your favorite component vendor.
Thanks for the heads up. I just ordered 5K rifle primers and 5k pistol primers and 5 pounds of powder. I was told I can backorder but they can not quote any times. I guess they are expecting it soon because last time I tried ordering they wouldn't backorder anything.
Thanks, I am still getting used to the rules about mentioning specific companies etc = I am sure I have violated the rules - I am learning.

None of mine usual sources seem to list any online - I will give them a call, since it probably sells before they have a chance to update the web.

I think you could PM me or email it to me if you get a chance email is

Rusty, what are the prices like in West Virgina?

A friend is going there middle of April and I thought if things were cheaper I might give him a couple of dollars to travel with.
Rusty, what are the prices like in West Virgina?

A friend is going there middle of April and I thought if things were cheaper I might give him a couple of dollars to travel with.
Most places around me are out of everything. One place close to my house wants $40 for 1,000 primers and around $24 for one pound of powder. Not a lot of places to buy reloading supplies close by.
South Carolina

I just came back from a month in Charleston and had the opportunity to visit several gun shops. They have the same basic problem with supplies as we do around New England. I also found the prices for powder and primers to be the same in general as anywhere around here. One dealer told me that he had people coming to SC from NC to buy supplies because the dealers in NC were scarce with things as well. Guess the grass is not always greener away from home.

I also found prices to be no better in the shops I stopped at than around here. Locally, I found a rifle at Goose Hummock (Orleans) at a bargain price, comparatively speaking.

I read another post awhile back speaking of good deals in SC. I didn't find any.
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