Garden tool Maintenance

Knob Creek

NES Member
Oct 9, 2007
South Coast Mass
Feedback: 103 / 0 / 0
With the rain we've been having I decided to look over my long neglected gardening tools. I realized that at least for my part, they are the most neglected tools I have. You use a shovel and stand it in the corner when you're done and there it stands until you need it again. So I gather them up and wire brushed them, sanded, sharpened and painted them. Sanded the handles and treated with Boiled Linseed oil. Brought back memories of those that have passed on but not before handing some down to me.

With the rain we've been having I decided to look over my long neglected gardening tools. I realized that at least for my part, they are the most neglected tools I have. You use a shovel and stand it in the corner when you're done and there it stands until you need it again. So I gather them up and wire brushed them, sanded, sharpened and painted them. Sanded the handles and treated with Boiled Linseed oil. Brought back memories of those that have passed on but not before handing some down to me.

View attachment 282660

A good reminder of the days of maintenance and repair.
Most garden tools now a days are junk but the good old ones can last generations if we have the mindset and conviction of the men and women that handed them down to us.
Bravo Knob. It’s nice to keep things in good shape so we can pass them down.

I hear someone in a gun shop say something to the tune of “we don’t own our guns, we just take care of them for the next generation”

This reminds me of that
Nice and neat, I can just imagine how neat and organized your rifle cabinet must be. Just not blue, I am hoping.
Most people today don’t have to maintain their tools because they financed them and are working to pay their Home Depot card bill.
Reminds me of my grandfathers cellar.
That's a pretty gay....err I mean happy color. (not that there's anything wrong with that)

"Petty Blue"

Looks more like FoMoCo Blue... [smile]


Or, for you straight-6 lovers...


* Neither photos or motors are mine...
I really thought you were going to say you sharpened everything. You didn't even mention it. Did you sharpen ANYthing?

I sharpen my shovels, pitch fork, hoes, etc. One of these days, I need to do the rototiller tines.
I really thought you were going to say you sharpened everything. You didn't even mention it. Did you sharpen ANYthing?

I sharpen my shovels, pitch fork, hoes, etc. One of these days, I need to do the rototiller tines.
Yeah I did. Sharpened with a #10 file. Check the original post.
Looks more like FoMoCo Blue... [smile]


Or, for you straight-6 lovers...


* Neither photos or motors are mine...
Ah the old tower of power 300 straight six, if the truck didn't rot to the ground with 300K on the engine I bet mine would still be running.

OP good idea painting the tools blue, you will spot them a mile away and at least know what the neighbor borrowed.
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