Gardening at home- how much time involved?

I like the idea of getting the soil started this year. Every spring I procrastinate to the point that I don't get a garden going. I've got a compost tumbler full of stuff that's probably too strong for growing this year, so mixing it with the soil would help tame it in time for the spring season. Now to find a spot for it.
Go for beans, peas and spinach in a new bed. Get what you get and till in the leftovers with the falls leaves.

One week for the new bed

What happens when you plant a lot of squash and cucumbers


Sent from my phone so this probably looks screwed up.
Nice! We have 9 tomato plants this year, from saved non-hybrid seeds. We are getting tomatoes already, and have been eating pesto once a week with the basil, parsley, chives and rosemary planted.

Got enough from the blueberry bushes for 1 pie, and hoping for enough apples from the 6 trees at our NH place so we can make getting a cider press worth it.
I started my first small garden when I was seven, now thirty years later its grown in a full blown addiction. You could start as I did with a few plants and minimal effort. For a beginner a few hours of soil prep and planting and then a few minutes a day will get you decent veggies. If you like it you can devote more and more time, I'm working and planning my garden year round now.
I have a 4' x 12' raised bed I made out of 2"x12" boards stacked 2 high. I squeeze green beans and peas together, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and onions around the perimeter. I water the garden everyday for about 10 min, twice if the temp is going to be in the 90's that day.

To me the first 2 months of growing the garden is boring because its just growing leaves and flowers but no fruit or veggies, but right now it is great watching the fruit and veggies grow. I only weed the garden about 1 every 3-4 weeks as needed and its small so it only takes about 30 minutes. I think it is definitely worth the small amount of time that I put in the garden.
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