I have a couple Gen 4 9mm Glocks, and they have a 2 on the followers, and they seem to feed JHP of various types just fine. these are fairly new guns for me however, so maybe I will change my story later, but I sure hope not
Sent it back to Glock today with a full write-up history of all the issues. I'll update this when I get it back. Hope they don't put my trigger back to stock but they prolly will; oh well, I will have to get it done again, I guess.
Sent it back to Glock today with a full write-up history of all the issues. I'll update this when I get it back. Hope they don't put my trigger back to stock but they prolly will; oh well, I will have to get it done again, I guess.
Whenever I send anything back to them I return it to bone stock if needed, but mine aren't really that radical. They leave things like sights alone, so no worries there. I don't know if they will change connectors and so on unless the part is non factory, but it's 5 minutes with an armorers tool to fix it.
I have a early Gen4 G17 that was a crap pile (lots of stovepipes, erratic ejection) and after I sent that thing in to them and got it back it was flawless.