1. Get application from Schenectady County Clerk's office.
2. Take one of the required courses listed on the application direction sheet.
3. Take the handgun safety course certificate to a gun store and purchase a pistol. (they will keep the pistol for you until you either get your permit or are denied.) Make a photo-copy of the bill of sale from the gun store and include it with your application.
4.N Fill out the applications. Three copies, BLACK INK, references must sign each copy.. BE SUPER NEAT
5.N References: Each will fill out and return the form to the Sheriff's office. GIVE THEM EACH A STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE TO SPEED THINGS UP.
One can and should be your spouse... NO other relatives. No elected officials.. Law enforcement agency members are OK.
** It is important to know that these references must be completed and returned to the sheriff's office BEFORE you come in to be fingerprinted.
6.N A letter to the Judge must be included. WHY YOU NEED A PISTOL PERMIT AND WHAT YOU WILL DO WITH IT..
Hunting/Target/Recreational shooting etc. are good reasons.. Self defense IS NOT ..... Without some kind of really, really, really, very, very very good and provable reason.
7. Four 1 1/2 X 1 1/2 inch photos. Passport quality (CVS OR ANY OTHER PHOTO SHOP).
The above is from a New York State shooting bulletin board
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