Non resident LTC in NYC!!

Feb 19, 2008
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It's not clear if this means NYC lost a lawsuit, or simply changed their policies based on the threat of losing a lawsuit.
Does this mean cross country travel with our rights intact is legal now, providing we apply and pay the fees permitting said rights…

Who Can Apply?​

Under the new rules, non-residents who fall into the following categories may be eligible to apply for a New York concealed carry permit:

  1. Part-time New York residents
  2. Individuals principally employed in New York
  3. Those with their principal place of business in New York

NYC Concealed Carry for Non-Residents: A Comprehensive Guide
Read the actual law:
(b) A person who resides outside of New York State and is not principally employed within New York City may apply for a carry handgun license pursuant to this section, provided that such applicant meets the following requirements:

(1) The requirements of 38 RCNY § 5-02, except that the requirement to demonstrate a residence or principal place of business within the confines of New York City under subdivision (g) of such section shall not apply to an application submitted pursuant to this subdivision;

(2) The requirements of subdivision (a) of this section;

(3) The requirements of 38 RCNY § 5-05;

(4) The submission of a form, to be provided by the department, that reflects the results of a background investigation undertaken for the purposes of obtaining a firearm license or firearm. The applicant shall provide such form to the local law enforcement agency in each jurisdiction in which the applicant has been a resident in the five (5) years preceding the date of the applicant’s application for a license pursuant to this subdivision and shall submit such completed form to the License Division.

(5) If the applicant holds a firearms license or permit in any other jurisdiction, such applicant must submit a form, to be provided by the department, indicating the current and past status of any firearms licenses held by the applicant, including whether such other license is currently in good standing, and whether the applicant has any previous suspensions, revocations, or periods where the license was not in good standing.
Read the actual law:
(b) A person who resides outside of New York State and is not principally employed within New York City may apply for a carry handgun license pursuant to this section, provided that such applicant meets the following requirements:

(1) The requirements of 38 RCNY § 5-02, except that the requirement to demonstrate a residence or principal place of business within the confines of New York City under subdivision (g) of such section shall not apply to an application submitted pursuant to this subdivision;

(2) The requirements of subdivision (a) of this section;

(3) The requirements of 38 RCNY § 5-05;

(4) The submission of a form, to be provided by the department, that reflects the results of a background investigation undertaken for the purposes of obtaining a firearm license or firearm. The applicant shall provide such form to the local law enforcement agency in each jurisdiction in which the applicant has been a resident in the five (5) years preceding the date of the applicant’s application for a license pursuant to this subdivision and shall submit such completed form to the License Division.

(5) If the applicant holds a firearms license or permit in any other jurisdiction, such applicant must submit a form, to be provided by the department, indicating the current and past status of any firearms licenses held by the applicant, including whether such other license is currently in good standing, and whether the applicant has any previous suspensions, revocations, or periods where the license was not in good standing.
IANAL, so what's the bottom line? I want a non-resident NY license "just because", can I get one?
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