GLOCK grows

Glock beta rifle v 0.1


A success from the very start! Straight to market! [laugh]

Seriously though, I think it is a mistake to make a rifle that accepts AR mags. Isn't everyone else doing that? And there are plenty of flaws in the current 30 rounders that make it worthwhile to make a better one. JMO.
That AR KB might have been from (a certain commercial reloader that I wont name here because they might still ship to MA)'s ammo..... who knows. There were a handful rifles blown up on ARFCOM because of some QC problems with their reloaded ammo, and there was a bunch of controversy about it, course its been at least a couple of years now.

Seriously though, I think it is a mistake to make a rifle that accepts AR mags. Isn't everyone else doing that? And there are plenty of flaws in the current 30 rounders that make it worthwhile to make a better one. JMO.

AR/M16/STANAG mags are fine, overall. There are PMAGS and HK Maritime mags for those of you lucky enough to live in free america.

If anything, making a semiautomatic 5.56 NATO rifle that DOES NOT take AR mags is a dumb idea, and would slow acceptance of such a rifle- if the mags are proprietary that means they will cost 3 times as much... AR mags, even prebans are so cheap that they can just be thrown away if you muck up the feed lips or whatever.

It would be neat if Glock made a PCC that took their pistol mags, that didn't suck,
but I'm not going to hold my breath over something which is a niche device, although
if they made a PCC at an attractive price point (Say under $1000) they would
probably sell tons of them, especially if they made them available in every caliber or
they were modular.

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