GOAL Calls on Legislature to Come to the Aid of a Heroic Citizen

I like the GOAL letter, but I think that this sentence should be re-worked:

the simple answer for everyone involved is that they are lucky he was.

The word "everyone" by itself is too inclusive, and will be jumped on. There is no doubt that Carcieri wasn't lucky that Langone was there, and I daresay that his children can easily imagine a luckier outcome.

Worse, if a rumor turns out to be true, is that Carcieri may have had the knife only because he took it from his kid so the kid wouldn't take it to school. That kid may feel particular guilt, and quite unlucky to have put it in his pocket that morning.
Like my grandpa always used to say to me at bedtime- "Little Johnny, if ya can't shoot a crazy man stabbing an innocent lady, well by gory, I'm guessin' there ain't no one ya can shoot!"
I don't like it when the antis use a tragedy to try to further their political agenda. I think it's transparent, cynical, and ham-fisted when they do.

While I agree with the content of Senate Bill #1580, I get a similar taste in my mouth when I read that press release.

ETA: I know you guys are fighting the good fight and trying to do the right thing, but just because the antis do it doesn't make it right.
I guess I see a difference between using timely and relevant examples to make a point, and abusing and misusing irrelevant and contradictory examples to confuse and mislead [STRIKE]the sheep[/STRIKE] people.

You can sit on your hands in this state, you have to act swiftly or you miss
the oppurtunity. Are some in this forum thinking it was premeditated, if so thats a real reach. A doctor was being stabbed with a knife, what else
was Langone supposed to do, call one of you guys......or better still
the Brady Canpaign.

People today move on especially with the news, you have a limited time
to respond.

I sent email to my reps in support of S1580, i know one will respond,

as for James Eldridge, he didn't respond the last time i sent email
and i doubt he will this time.

Sorry to be negative, but in the public's eye this guy is a cop. He was highly trained by the BPD. An ordinary citizen never would have been able to do what this guy did. [wink]
I like the GOAL letter, but I think that this sentence should be re-worked:

The word "everyone" by itself is too inclusive, and will be jumped on. There is no doubt that Carcieri wasn't lucky that Langone was there, and I daresay that his children can easily imagine a luckier outcome.

Worse, if a rumor turns out to be true, is that Carcieri may have had the knife only because he took it from his kid so the kid wouldn't take it to school. That kid may feel particular guilt, and quite unlucky to have put it in his pocket that morning.

Are you kidding me? If I am intent on commiting murder, and someone stops me, then I am indeed lucky they did that. If their methods include two in the chest and one in the head, I am still lucky that I did not have the opportunity to commit murder.

Or are principles a thing of the past? I thought there were worse things than death.
I thought there were worse things than death.

There are: Tyranny.

Anyone know if NH has a law protecting those involved from a justifiable defense shooting from civil action?

If not, I'm thinking we need to copy the contents of that bill and submit it to the NH legislature.
Sorry to be negative, but in the public's eye this guy is a cop. He was highly trained by the BPD. An ordinary citizen never would have been able to do what this guy did. [wink]

I'm afraid you are right about this, and the press isn't helping repeating it over and over and over.... by design I'm sure.
This may be a worthwhile enactment, but one should be clear about one thing: this bill, if enacted, as framed, creates a defense to liability, not an immunity from suit.
Preliminary report from the DA suggest this shooting was justified. It wasn't clear from the news this morning how long the investigation would take before they officially exonerate this fellow.

Guys, I agree with Half Cocked on this one.

Neither he nor I are saying anything negative about Langone. All he is saying is that GOAL should exercise some patience to make sure that the incident does not have any negative aspects that woudl reflect negatively on GOAL and its legislative goals.

Political capital is hard to earn. Do not squander it.
Guys, I agree with Half Cocked on this one.

Neither he nor I are saying anything negative about Langone. All he is saying is that GOAL should exercise some patience to make sure that the incident does not have any negative aspects that woudl reflect negatively on GOAL and its legislative goals.

Political capital is hard to earn. Do not squander it.

Again, this bill was filed at the begining of the year!

Seriously, GOAL could lead a flock of baby ducklings from a burning building and halfcocked would still find something negative to say about it.
Jose, by the time the dust settles on this, most of MA will be back worrying about Brittney being out in public drunk and it will be Langone who?

People are talking about this now, we had Michelle McPhee on air last night talking about the need to get behind S 1580. We need to take action while people are paying attention. This way, maybe something good can come of this down the road.

I'm surprised to hear nanny state thinking from you.
I'm not crazy about the timing either, but what can you do?

Any reason that GOAL refers to Dr. Desrosiers as "Ms. Desrosiers"? It's kind of poor form.
Sorry to be negative, but in the public's eye this guy is a cop. He was highly trained by the BPD. An ordinary citizen never would have been able to do what this guy did. [wink]

I'm afraid you are right about this, and the press isn't helping repeating it over and over and over.... by design I'm sure.

Sorry - but this is P'ing me off.... Just so everyone knows (and unless it's changed, which I doubt, I checked on this) He was NOT a "special police officer" - he was NOT "highly" trained by the BPD - he may have had training, but not by BPD.

A licensed Security officer in Boston has to go through a test - just like they do in NH for armed Security. You need to go through a dog and pony show class, go shoot a few rounds to show you can hit the target and then they give you a license to be a SECURITY GUARD in Boston. The latest link even quotes LE as calling him "off duty security guard".

This is all BS by the media because they DO NOT want people to start thinking, "Hey, maybe I can defend myself rather than having to depend on the police!!" So - everyone needs to write they local paper and make sure everyone knows this guy WAS, IS and shall always BE - a civilian - a licensed gun owner who just happens to work in Boston as a security officer.

Thank you ... you may now return to your local thread....
Whether someone has an LTC or not shouldn't go into the equation of protection from lawsuits situation imo. The state could charge someone with not having the license, but a civil suit would have nothing to do with this.

What I like about this bill (from what I can tell) is it applies to any defense situation, not just firearms.

Also, I find it irrelevant whether or not the current case in the headlines turns out to be in the shooters favor or not. It is still a good law.
I guess I see a difference between using timely and relevant examples to make a point, and abusing and misusing irrelevant and contradictory examples to confuse and mislead [STRIKE]the sheep[/STRIKE] people.

Again, this bill was filed at the begining of the year!

Seriously, GOAL could lead a flock of baby ducklings from a burning building and halfcocked would still find something negative to say about it.

I like how you guys talk about sheep, but don't you see that you are creating your own flock? A few people do not blindly follow and you seem to pick them apart.

That being said I agree with this type of protection, I think way to many criminal "victims" sue because they were injured trying to commit a crime.

I also find it quite funny to hear people ask whether he had an LTC or not. I guess you only find that on gun boards.
Again, this bill was filed at the begining of the year!

My comments have nothing to do with the bill itself. It is about the timing of the letter using this incident to highlight the bill.

There was no reason that GOAL could not have waited a week or so to write the same letter. Thus waiting for the DA to rule on the shooting and making sure no skeletons come out of a closet that would be a PR issue for GOAL.

That is all.

Seriously, GOAL could lead a flock of baby ducklings from a burning building and halfcocked would still find something negative to say about it

What... they left the mother behind?[laugh]
The timing is of the essence. If you want the general public to back you on this, then the old saying about striking while the iron is hot applies. You see the public opinion sway back and forth over time with stuff like this. As an example, the death penalty advocates go hot and cold depending on whether or not there has been a recent horrific murder.

Thank you Mr. Brown and GOAL for bringing this issue to the front at this time. Now is the time to notify your Rep. and Senator on how you feel on this.

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