GOAL Calls on Legislature to Come to the Aid of a Heroic Citizen

Can't wait to see the response I get from Jen Flanagan.

So, I didn't get ANY response from Jen Flanagan, to the email I sent out on 10/29. Then today, I get the following SPAM from her:

Worcester County Democratic League

You’re invited to:
Worcester County Democratic League annual fall breakfast

Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Manor, West Boylston
League Business meeting: 9-10
Brunch: 10-12
Tickets $10/person– Pay at door

Speakers include: Lt. Governor Tim Murray, Congressman Richard Neal, State Rep. Jim O’Day, Congressman Capuano and others.

Candidates for U.S. Senate have been invited.

Please send RSVP’s or questions:
Doug Belanger (508)726-7911
Ashley Coulombe (774)272-0706 or
email WorcesterCountyDems@gmail.com

So, I reply to it with the original email attached. Not 20 minutes later I get a reply:

Thank you for writing to me about this legislation. I agree that the state must look at situations like this one and devise away to protect good samaritans like Mr. Langone. I look forward to seeing what bill comes out of the judiciary committee and will work to have it considered in front of the entire Legislature.

Please feel free to contact me again in the future.



Jennifer L. Flanagan
State Senator
Worcester & Middlesex District
I hate to be the resident GOAL basher........but.........

Does GOAL have insight into this investigation that the rest of the world does not?

What if the circumstances are not as they appear?

GOAL should wait till all the facts come out before using Langone as the poster boy for CCW.

If things are not as they appear GOAL will again have some credibility issues.

Just my .02

For the record.... I am in favor of this so long as there is no proverbial wrench thrown into the investigation that we do not yet know about.

I like the more aggressive GOAL. KUDOS for them for this.

I wonder if anyone has the news footage of Mayor Menino thanking God that the guy had a gun and used it to end the attack. It should be played on local tv every half hour or so until hell freezes over.
How come this is not on the agenda for this Thursday? This should be pushed through to the top of the priority list. Has the Governor weighed in on it yet?
It's been a work in progress since last January. All good things to those that wait.... We're also waiting for scheduling for H.2259.
It's been a work in progress since last January. All good things to those that wait.... We're also waiting for scheduling for H.2259.

Which one is 2259? These are all becoming a blur. Need descriptive names, please. Is this the "Mass Gun Law Reform" one?
Anything happening with S.1580? I thought this would be on the front burner but all is quiet.[frown]

It's quiet only because our legislators are on a [sarcasm]much needed vacation until after the New Year![/sarcasm]

Then all hell will break loose.

I'm guessing that 1580 will make it through without too much trouble.
The details I have heard is that Mr. Langone presented his firearm and asked the agressor not once, but three times to drop the weapon. At that point he shot the agressor. The doctor has repeatedly thanked Mr. Langone for his actions. However, she has not personally gone into detail on the record (as far as I know). I am guessing MGH doesn't want to take a stance one way or the other.
Time is running out on S.1580. We need to call TODAY and urge them to vote in favor of this bill. Here is a link to contact info on the committee. http://www.mass.gov/legis/comm/j19.htm

For those of you that don't want to go back and read the thread, this bill came to light this past Fall when Paul Langone saved the life of the Doctor at MGH who was being stabbed to death, the state took 6 months and a grand jury investigation to decide NOT TO PRESS CHARGES.

This bill will extend "castle doctrine" to include self protection of not only yourself but anyone else who is in a place that they are legally permitted to be. And will help eliminate wasteful investigations such as Mr. Langone had to endure.
I called. Let,s ring those phone folks. Probably a good idea to open a new thread on how important this phone call is. The message can be buried here, in this post.
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