Actually Mike the BHP with a trigger job by a Wayne Novak or Cylinder and Slide or now the new Nighthawk edition is as good as any other pistol. I've collected, shot, carried and used the BHP for decades. When Browning went to the Mk III the thumb safety issue was satisfactorily resolved and robust ambi safeties have been standard for over close to 30 years. C&S makes a great after market thumb safety.
Triggers can vary too out of the box. I have an Argentine Licensed Mk II with a factory trigger that's unbelievable. I'll let you shoot it if we happen to be at an NES shoot sometime.
The only major fault is that mags don't always fall freely. This can be addressed two ways: remove the mag safety or use the newer mags made for Browning by Meggar with the mousetrap springs. C&S also makes an after market trigger that when installed is wider and also is so designed that the mag safety must be removed for proper installation. Mag safeties are another topic for another time.
Another advantage is that there are plenty of pre-ban mags out there. Meggar makes 15 round ones which work very well.
Second only to my love of S&W metal semi autos particularly the M39, and 2nd Gen 4,5,639's the BHP holds my interest. There are plenty of aftermarket accessories to personalize the pistol to your specs.
You don't sound like you have much familiarity with the pistol and are simply repeating the tired and worn out cliches echoed by gun hacks in periodicals from gun rags of times past. There is some validity to your claim, I am not denying that, but like the 1911 any perceived or actual deficiencies can be overcome without much difficulty.