Going Home by A. American

Aug 27, 2007
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Anyone read this?

I just read the first book "Going Home."

I think the author, Chris, points out a lot of good stuff. Mostly we want to believe that our LEOs and military would never turn on the people they "serve." In the book DHS goons basically take over and when military and LEO's won't "get with the program" they are nuetralized. I am not so sure that LEO's and military would refuse to fire on American Citizens. Look at all the crap that happens now with LEO's beating the crap out of people for "not obeying my authority." And where are most LEOs coming from? A bunch of them are being recruited from the veterans who served in the military. It's a whole bunch of programming. We have already seen people being disarmed during disasters or attempts to do so because they were deemed "undesirable/mentally unstable/violent/potential terrorists." This new generation of LEO and military, do they really have their heads screwed on straight? I know they are being trained that the public "is the enemy" and needs to be "controlled."
The series does drop off after the third or fourth book, but I enjoyed it.

I've got a couple of issues with the first book, one of which is his backpack. I'd like to know how he managed to carry that bag of holding....lol.

If you don't think the cops and military would turn against the people, you've had your head buried in the sand. It would start with the cops, who would absolutely do it. Cops think of themselves as being better than the citizens of our nation and would do whatever was asked to keep the money rolling in.
I just finished Escaping Home which is the third book in the series, I have been listening to them in my car on Audible. I too was a little taken aback by how the DHS, law enforcement, and military turned on the people. But it made me think how this is a distinct possibility......

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...If you don't think the cops and military would turn against the people, you've had your head buried in the sand. It would start with the cops, who would absolutely do it. Cops think of themselves as being better than the citizens of our nation and would do whatever was asked to keep the money rolling in.

I strongly agree. We've seen a change in the past couple of decades from "protect & serve" to something altogether different. I feel as if we are all now considered the enemy.
I also read the whole series and thought it was decent. Much better than the "Holding Their Own" series which I finally just gave up on.
I also read the whole series and thought it was decent. Much better than the "Holding Their Own" series which I finally just gave up on.
Agreed - good series, likable characters. His get home load-out was well documented but ridiculous! I read them on my phone via the kindle app so they were only a few bucks. The holding their own were like 10-11 each for the kindle version and I just got tired of it The other series I just finished was The Survivalist by Arthur Bradbury. It was excellent. Great story, Turbo monkey pox makes people disfigured, aggressive and zombie like. Corruption in the government, difficult road trips and battles, Good character and relationship development. Highly recommended. "Frontier Justice" is the first book.
The series does drop off after the third or fourth book, but I enjoyed it.

I've got a couple of issues with the first book, one of which is his backpack. I'd like to know how he managed to carry that bag of holding....lol.

If you don't think the cops and military would turn against the people, you've had your head buried in the sand. It would start with the cops, who would absolutely do it. Cops think of themselves as being better than the citizens of our nation and would do whatever was asked to keep the money rolling in.

I met the author this weekend. He says his pack is about 65 lbs in real life. When he started writing the books he claims he literally dumped out his pack and wrote about what was actually in it.
I met the author this weekend. He says his pack is about 65 lbs in real life. When he started writing the books he claims he literally dumped out his pack and wrote about what was actually in it.
I believe it. He has a forum based on his pen name where they discuss the contents of his pack with pictures of everything. Cool that you met him
Remember Tienanmen Square? The Chinese government brought in troops from far away cause they knew the local troops wouldn't fire on their own people. If Communist Chinese troops won't do it, I have a hard time believing our troops and cops would fire on Americans.

It's different beating up some thug after he was driving 80 mph through residential neighborhoods, vs firing on ordinary citizens.
Remember Tienanmen Square? The Chinese government brought in troops from far away cause they knew the local troops wouldn't fire on their own people. If Communist Chinese troops won't do it, I have a hard time believing our troops and cops would fire on Americans.

It's different beating up some thug after he was driving 80 mph through residential neighborhoods, vs firing on ordinary citizens.
But those citizens, might return fire
I just finished Escaping Home which is the third book in the series, I have been listening to them in my car on Audible. I too was a little taken aback by how the DHS, law enforcement, and military turned on the people. But it made me think how this is a distinct possibility......

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If I recall it was only DHS that turned against the people. There were a few characters that that were law enforcement that chose to align with DHS as they thought they'd fare better. From what i remember the army and national guard are fighting DHS
If I recall it was only DHS that turned against the people. There were a few characters that that were law enforcement that chose to align with DHS as they thought they'd fare better. From what i remember the army and national guard are fighting DHS

Yes, DHS and the LE that chose to align with them like the Sheriff that was friends with Morgan; Mike was his name I believe. Sarge and his crew are with Morgan, but I thought there was a scene where helicopters with mini guns lit up some guys in a swamp, was thinking they were army/national guard. But maybe they were DHS, was in the first book I believe.

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If Communist Chinese troops won't do it, I have a hard time believing our troops and cops would fire on Americans.

Yes, DHS and the LE that chose to align with them like the Sheriff that was friends with Morgan; Mike was his name I believe. Sarge and his crew are with Morgan, but I thought there was a scene where helicopters with mini guns lit up some guys in a swamp, was thinking they were army/national guard. But maybe they were DHS, was in the first book I believe.

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Yes, 1st book. It was not clear who was in those choppers.
I met the author this weekend. He says his pack is about 65 lbs in real life. When he started writing the books he claims he literally dumped out his pack and wrote about what was actually in it.

That's interesting to know. I ended up buying one of the water filters he carries. I was starting to wonder if he was getting a commission from some gear companies with some of the brand specific items he mentioned.
Anyone read this?

I just read the first book "Going Home."

I think the author, Chris, points out a lot of good stuff. Mostly we want to believe that our LEOs and military would never turn on the people they "serve." In the book DHS goons basically take over and when military and LEO's won't "get with the program" they are nuetralized. I am not so sure that LEO's and military would refuse to fire on American Citizens. Look at all the crap that happens now with LEO's beating the crap out of people for "not obeying my authority." And where are most LEOs coming from? A bunch of them are being recruited from the veterans who served in the military. It's a whole bunch of programming. We have already seen people being disarmed during disasters or attempts to do so because they were deemed "undesirable/mentally unstable/violent/potential terrorists." This new generation of LEO and military, do they really have their heads screwed on straight? I know they are being trained that the public "is the enemy" and needs to be "controlled."

I wholeheartedly expect the LEOs and military to turn on the people if the SHTF. I have no illusions to the contrary. A small handful of "oathkeepers" might not but I don't expect a whole lot out of them.

My SHTF strategy is essentially to get as far as I can away from large group of people and even further away from any government "help".
I'm not sure "turning on us" is what would happen in a true SHTF situation that was widespread. I think they would completely abandon their posts. We're talking about people who probably have families. THAT would likely be more important to them than any loyalties to nefarious state or federal authorities.
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