Going into the Marines


NES Member
Jun 24, 2009
Woonsocket, RI
Feedback: 3 / 0 / 0
Hey everyone, my ship date as of right now is December 28th, and im looking for some feedback about what recruit training was like, As well as any tips you may have for me to prepare for it. I have a good understanding of it right now, but im just wondering if what ive heard from others as well as what ive seen on the military channel is as accuarate as it seems.
And if anyone also knows a bit about Military Police i would appreciate any type of overview about what the job is like. Its my first choice right now, but it hasn't been guaranteed yet.

I appreciate the feedback
I can't answer any of your questions. Just wanted to say "thanks" for deciding to server your country. Because of all who have served by 2 young boys are growing up speaking English, not Russian, German, Japanese, Spanish or The King's English.

Again, thanks. Good luck and God protect you.
Good luck and Thank you for serving. I was an Army doggie so couldn't tell you about Marine bootcamp. I am sure some of the Marines on here will chime in.[grin]
Make sure the MP is guaranteed or you can kiss it good by. You'll be a Grunt.

If your are in good physical shape the training can be endured.

It's the lack of sleep and the head games that break guys, you can't let it get to you.

Be faster than everyone else in your platoon, follow instruction to the letter.

Keep your self squared away and by all means learn how to keep your rifle clean!

Semper Fi. [grin]
Get some....

Remember it's all mental.

Listen more then you talk, actually just listen in bootcamp, less talk is better.

Do it fast, but always remember that smooth is fast and fast is smooth. Don't be a spaz.

Everything is done for a reason, you won't figure it out until later, but NEVER ask why. Just do it.

Always remember that millions of other men and women have been there and done that, so suck it up, and get used to it.

One of the tougher things for some people to work-out is coming to the mental realization that your life as you know it is,,,over.[rofl]

But you have a chance to join the ranks of a brotherhood of warriors that has been kicking ass and taking names for a long, long time. I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes....." I like Marines, because being a Marine is serious business. We're not a social club or a fraternal organization and we don't pretend to be one. We're a Brotherhood of "Warriors" -- Nothing more, nothing less, pure and simple. We are in the ass-kicking business, and unfortunately, these days business is good." -General James M. Lowe

Good luck
Can't give you first hand knowledge of Marine Boot Camp (Navy), but I believe a few things are common no matter which boot camp you go to.

1. Be in the best possible shape you can be in before heading to boot camp. You are going to do a LOT of running and calestenics.
2. At all time, and I can't stess this enough, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!! You will be surprised how many people need to learn this the hard way.
3. Learn the Marine ranks and the insignias before going in. Will help.
4. Remember that you are going to be yelled at, run til you drop and torn down in all possible ways. As some have said, it's all mental to weed out the ones that can't take it. It can be bad, but just keep your whits about you and you'll do fine

Good luck and thank you for serving!!!
Great Decision!!!!

The two most important rules are:
1. Never Volunteer for anything
2. Blend in and don't attract unwanted attention from the DI's

Boot camp is 99% mental.
Just remember, no matter what anyone tells you, you will not be prepared for what Parris Island has in store. The first 48 hours will be the worst, the rest will be both physical and mental. They will break you down and build you into a marine. Good news is after a few weeks you will get into the flow and look forward to graduation and becoming a marine. Good luck and Semper FI!
As wf217 said the first few days is the worst. Remember no matter what you think it's going to be like, it will be worse than you expected. Millions of men have made it through Marine Corps boot camp before you. Keep in your head, "if he can do it, I can do it." When you look back at it you'll laugh and realize how much fun it was. I'd do it again in a heatbeat.

And remember it's not the 7 week boy scout camp the Army puts on, it's the real deal. You'll be gone for three months, home for 10 days and then back for Marine Combat Training, then MOS school. It will fly by, enjoy it.
best of luck, keep your eyes and heart on the goal become one of the best imho. enjoy your vaction on the p. island you will not forget it.
As others have said:
  • Keep your mouth shut.
  • Do exactly as you are told, as quickly as possible.
Understand that no matter how fast or correct you are - it will not be good enough.

When you realize that no matter what, you're going to do it (a task) again, and again, and again, and still go to the pit (and look forward to it) then you have unlocked the secret.

It's a head game - learn to play the game(s) and become successful!

BTW, (Unless this has changed in the last few years) - The Marines DO NOT guarantee you a specific MOS. You can be guaranteed a specific ocupational field. MOS 5811 (MP) is in the 5800 field. There are several other MOS's in that field. You might end up as a 5831. Sure - you can "apply" for a lateral move, but there has to be an open quota in that MOS, otherwise you'll get denied.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES GO OPEN CONTRACT! Unless you want to fill the "needs of the Corps" at that time. If the Corps is short on cooks, supply guys, or mechanics that month, then that's what you'll get. Those are not bad MOS's, just not what you wanted to do.

IMNSHO, at the very least, get into a combat arms field; 0300, 0800, 1300, or 1800.

*My recruiter never lied to me - I just failed to ask all the right questions! [wink]
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Yeah i have to choose three MOS's. they say they'll try to get me my first choice, but i got to have some backups, im still researching all the occupations im eligible for right now and have not put them in writing yet.
Make the best of this good thing! I agree with Derek on the realization that others have done it and so can you - that goes for everything in life, but something like this requires that that knowing be most apparent.

You will do well!!
Congratulations on your decision to serve. This is the biggest moment of your life. Make the most of it and it will define you forever.
Three words: Speed, Volume, Intensity.

When you're in recruit training, those three words need to be your mantra. Do everything...EVERYTHING with speed, volume, and intensity and you will do just fine. Additionally, give serious consideration to an MOS that would bolster your post-military resumé. I was artillery. It was fun, but it also doesn't exist in the civilian world. A good friend of mine was a network tech. Sure, it's a pogue job, but he got recruited and hired by a telecom corporation before he even finished outprocessing at the end of his enlistment.
I'll give you the advice my recruiter gave me.

If you dont come back a Marine I'll hunt you down, kill you, then tell all your friends why you didnt make it through boot. [smile]
Ochmude said it best... do everything 110% and ONLY DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD! no more no less! keep your head up and your mouth shut and before you know it you'll be done and looking back thinking about how it wasn't so bad!

Also, you'll never be more proud of yourself than the day you walk off that parade deck with your EGA...good luck poolie
Also, you'll never be more proud of yourself than the day you walk off that parade deck with your EGA...good luck poolie

You wont be the only one beaming with pride either. Everyone from the D.I.'s to all the families in the stands are proud of you also. Doesnt even matter if they know you or not. You'll see.

Best of luck to you.
I would like to share a few ideas to make your stay at club PI more exciting and eventful.

First getting mail is a great moral booster. You'll find it's a lot more fun if;
a) The address is incorrect and or spelled wrong.
b) Smiley faces,pink harts and peace signs adorn the envelops.
c) Scented with perfume.

Second the DI's will rudely get in your face often. You'll find this it a lot more fun if;
a) Stare into his eyes
b) Scratch yourself.
c) Use the words "I & You" when answering.

Follow these tips and you will find yourself at a place of high honor on the quarterdeck.[grin]
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