Going to the White Mountain region- need a good shop!

Jun 10, 2005
People's Republic of Massachusetts
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I'll be taking my yearly trip to N. Woodstock, NH next month with the family and will be looking for a good shop to stop by. I used to deal with the Cheap Shot Gun Shop in Thornton, NH, but they closed up a few years ago when the owner retired. Too bad, it was the best shop I'd ever been to.

Any help with a list of shops in that area would be appreciated. I only found one in Lincoln, NH, and their selection was very limited and overpriced.

Hawgleg, I don't know what kind of guns interest you, but if you like old guns (C&Rs) or full-auto, I have a recommendation for you on your way up or down the state.

Contact Frank Ferrante, Frank's Gun Shop in Weare, NH, 603-529-0338, franksgunshop@comcast.net, http://www.franksgunshop.com/ Frank doesn't keep his website up to date and Email response may be spotty.

If you pay him a visit, your jaw will probably drop and you'll never forget the experience! You can tell him I referred you to him. I have bought guns from him in the past (both C&R and modern long guns).

If you are interested strictly in hunting rifles or modern guns only, don't bother with Frank, as that isn't his focus.

Hunting rifles: Riley's in Hooksett.
Thanks for the link. I'll have to check it out. I'm mostly into S&W handguns, but lately, I've been playing with my pre-ban Polytech underfolder and my AR's. I have to admit that I really have a soft spot for a nice lever gun, too. The older the better when it comes to them. And shotguns, I shoot trap, skeet and sporting clays using Winchester M1897 pumps in 12ga. The best I've done in sporting clays so far is 44 out of 50 with the old pump guns. I can consistantly shoot 24-25 out of 25 on the skeet range with them, too. Trap is something I don't play with that much, but when I do, it's usually around 22 or 23.

I haven't shot shotguns since my accident, but I will be soon. There's more money I won't have!
Last time I was by Frank's place he had a 1/2 track outside that he was restoring. He has an anti-tank gun (on 2 wheels) that caught my Wife's attention. Vickers FA, very early AR15 FA (yup the first M16s weren't called M16s) that is transferable, etc. He and his Wife are very nice people to do business with. I felt like I was in a museum gun shop but everything was for sale!

His specialties are really C&Rs and Class 3 toys. I connected him up with our PD so that they could swap 3 smgs for 7 CAR-15s a few years ago. He gave the PD the best deal of 3 FFLs, doubling the offer made by the low bidder (who ironically is my least favorite LE dealer in MA . . . there is a thread on them here).

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