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Call your towns veterans service officer and offer them to him/her. If they don't have a vet in need they will put it out to email and let others know.
Thank you for your generosity and consideration for Veterans, smokey-seven!

"I have TWICE... No reply. A**hats!" Wouldn't you think a thank you or at a minimum a return call expressing some sort of appreciation would be in order for such a generous and valuable cost-saving offer? f***ing asshats!
Many VSO's haven't enough time in the day to service existing and new clients with a wide variety of needs. Some of us receive no pay. While the offer was indeed generous it may have been impracticle or impossible. I have no office or place to store the flags I put on graves on Memorial day never mind wheel chairs. Right now there is a shortage of certified VSO's and the pay if any is minimal, some towns don't care. While a return call was indeed the right response there may not even be someone in that office. We are helping our fellow veterans, what are you doing. To quick to judge.
Many VSO's haven't enough time in the day to service existing and new clients with a wide variety of needs. Some of us receive no pay. While the offer was indeed generous it may have been impracticle or impossible. I have no office or place to store the flags I put on graves on Memorial day never mind wheel chairs. Right now there is a shortage of certified VSO's and the pay if any is minimal, some towns don't care. While a return call was indeed the right response there may not even be someone in that office. We are helping our fellow veterans, what are you doing. To quick to judge.

Unfortunately, in many cases Dustoff22 is spot on.
While the offer was indeed generous it may have been impracticle or impossible. I have no office or place to store the flags I put on graves on Memorial day never mind wheel chairs.

Hmmmm... would you have returned the calls? I could store and hold them until someone needed them. All I wanted to do was help vets. Out of the phone calls I put to various groups, only one senior citizen group contacted me. I asked them if I could deliver them to someone and they replied no, just take them to their location and they would store them till needed.
It would seem you have a problem not me. I return all calls. I just tried to bring to light there is more to the other side of the story. I thought for a moment the veterans area was a place to escape the typical NES flame job, clearly I was wrong about that. I would have stored them at our senior center and made them available to all. I once drove 85 miles each way to pickup a scooter chair that was a similar donation, all on my time with my vehicle. Refocus your efforts in a positive direction.

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