VA Dental thread..."You didn't register"


NES Member
Feb 25, 2016
Feminist Caliphate of Massachusetts.
Feedback: 31 / 0 / 0
Went to a VA dental appointment for a 1.45 PM. Walked into the clinic office at 1.30 and found all the window shades down, unusual, I thought. The waiting room was full because some of the office personnel decided not to show up to work and those that did show up took a late lunch, 30 minutes late. So for 30 minutes the patients, doctors, nurses and all hygienist were just spinning the wheels. Suddenly the shutters blinds raise, and there's a dental clerk, the patients snap to attention and form a line U-shaped. I walked in and started laughing, and said, I don't do lines and everybody in line started laughing.

My doctor, who's the head of the clinic thankfully came in ]and gave me the head wink, 'come on let's go.' The dental clerk, objected, and say "hey, you haven't registered." I looked at the Doc he looked at me. I said f**k that, we laughed, halfway down the hall I can still hear the clerk screaming, "you didn't register." Yup and The inmates are running the asylum. 🤪
I did a year on an aircraft carrier. Chow line 3 times a day, 3000+ people. I don't do lines any more either.
Oh da poor boy you suffered...😭 In VN I'd occasionally get PBR escort duty so we had a Navy breakfast, I stand on my head till my enlistment was over to have that food
Oh da poor boy you suffered...😭 In VN I'd occasionally get PBR escort duty so we had a Navy breakfast, I stand on my head till my enlistment was over to have that food everyday...lo

And they had ice cream!!!! The only ice cream I saw in Vietnam was when we landed on the undulating back end of a LST?? for a medical evacuation. The majority of meals I consumed in Vietnam were out of an OD green C-rats can.
And they had ice cream!!!! The only ice cream I saw in Vietnam was when we landed on the undulating back end of a LST?? for a medical evacuation. The majority of meals I consumed in Vietnam were out of an OD green C-rats can.
The closest thing to I got to C-rat heaven was beanies & weenies and peaches and pound cake :D
E4 mafia payoff?
Back at our unit one of our pilots was in Vietnam group and they are talking about C-rats and one of the grunts said ,oh damn, for some reason I never got peaches of pancake and they were my favorite..... Well, this particular pilot made it his mission to pill for every sea rat box for peaches and poundcake. Karma is a bitch.
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