Good gun books for allowing citizen's the right to bear arms?

Lugnut said:

The BEST book I ever read on the subject - and I won't claim to have read all of them, but as an unabashed bookworm who reads obsessively on any subject that interests me, I've read a LOT of them - is Don Kates RESTRICTING HANDGUNS: THE LIBERAL SKEPTIC SPEAKS OUT.

Kates was an ACLU lawyer with impeccable Civil Rights credentials. He also wrote the pro-RKBA column for one of the gun mags - HANDGUNNER, IIRC - for many, many years.

The book was aimed at liberals, women, blacks, and other minorities, and would give you much ammunition for many useful talks with any of these groups.

Alas, it is long out of print, but can often be found used, for not much money. For instance:

"Guns and Violence : The English Experience" by Joyce Lee Malcolm would be interesting since its from a foreigner who is also a woman. Besides, looks like an excellent read, though would really be interested to read about. Though I'd really like to get to read 'Death by Government' by Rudolf J. Rummel.
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Loved "Guns and Violence" I grabbed it because I have a few friends who are GFWs from the UK.

I also have her book on America "To Keep and Bare Arms"

I also have "More Guns Less Crime" (The wife is reading that one)
and I'm currently reading
"the Bias Against Guns"

Both are by John Lott Jr.


-Weer'd Beard

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