Google AI Says Pre 2016 AR15 Lowers Didn't Need To Be Registered (AG Laws Cited): Info Conflicts With NES Expurts - But Not Massachusetts Gun Lawyers

Before July 20, 2016, in Massachusetts, AR-15 lower receivers didn't require registration unless they were part of a firearm that was a copy or duplicate of a banned assault weapon, but after that date, the Attorney General's enforcement notice clarified that copies or duplicates of banned assault rifles, including the Colt AR-15, were prohibited.
  • Pre-July 20, 2016:
    AR-15 lower receivers were not subject to registration unless they formed part of a firearm that was a copy or duplicate of an enumerated assault weapon
Seems to me this is a major fly in the ointment of this whole argument, that statement doesn't even make sense.
Receivers weren't a firearm so, duh, didn't require 'registration' before or after the 'enforcement notice' and nothing in the law changed about that until CH135 went into effect. So where did the "unless they were part of a firearm that was a copy or duplicate" come from and how was this law?

So somehow a receiver suddenly became a 'registerable' firearm but only if it was a copy or duplicate?

Ask AI to define exactly what constitutes said copy or duplicate...
Then ask how spew from an AG press conference can be interpreted as law...
Also ask if fa-10 was a registration and how a firearm part was to be legally added to it in 2016...
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