Got a new Coonan 1911 357 magnum

Shot 100 rounds on Saturday and the slide locked back only 3 out of the 15 mag reloads. Emailed Coonan again and also told them the slide was releasing on its own when inserting a loaded mag. Lastly, I noticed some burrs in the notch where the slide stop lever sits in. They replied this morning that they're sending me a return label to ship it back to them to fix the issue. Hopefully this can be fixed easily.
Shot through ~70 rounds or so using the 22 lb and 24 lb spring and the slide locked back everytime. I'm not sure what changed since the last time. The only thing I did differently was I took the slide off to change the spring whereas before I just took the barrel bushing off to change the spring which maybe the spring wasn't getting fully seated onto the guide rod?? Also I loaded the mags differently. I pushed the rounds into the mag instead of using the button on the side to lower the follower and drop the rounds into the mag. But I still don't like the burr on the slide stop notch.
My new adjustable sights arrived in the mail today and I had Northeast Arms in Peabody fit the new sights today. Did a great job and only $30 to install.

Got them sighted in today at the range and they worked great!
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Also finally busted out my chronograph for the first time and my 158 gr reloads were running an average of 1,350 fps! Blazin hot lol.
Nice. Was the slide already cut? I have too get adjustable rear put on mine but Weill have to be cut, keep putting it off because of it!
That sight looks pretty slick. Who makes that?

My new adjustable sights arrived in the mail today and I had Northeast Arms in Peabody fit the new sights today. Did a great job and only $30 to install.

Got them sighted in today at the range and they worked great!
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Who makes those sights? They are slick looking...
Also finally busted out my chronograph for the first time and my 158 gr reloads were running an average of 1,350 fps! Blazin hot lol.
The name is engraved in the sight - kensight, as in

That is a copy of the Novak sight (not sure if the adjustable feature is a copy)

Yeah I'm not sure. All I know is that Coonan uses Kensights on all of their pistols so I figured I'd stick with the same company. They work great and the quality is very nice. Kensights customer service is even better. I asked a question on their website which asks for email, phone # etc. The next day I had the owner of the company call me and chat with me for a half hour about their different sights and how they fit etc. Awesome company.
Hickok45 does a review on the Coonan finally.

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he also kinda ripped on the walnut grips....i sort of agree.

pistol is magnificent but i feel like for the price they could touch it up a bit more asthetically. i dunno maybe i'm just a gun snob. or maybe i'm a little butthurt that i don't own a coonan
he also kinda ripped on the walnut grips....i sort of agree.

pistol is magnificent but i feel like for the price they could touch it up a bit more asthetically. i dunno maybe i'm just a gun snob. or maybe i'm a little butthurt that i don't own a coonan

Definitely butthurt....Kidding aside, I agree that the walnut grips aren't all that pretty considering the price of the gun. But they work well. Mine also came with the black aluminum grips which are much nicer and very well made.
he also kinda ripped on the walnut grips....i sort of agree.

pistol is magnificent but i feel like for the price they could touch it up a bit more asthetically. i dunno maybe i'm just a gun snob. or maybe i'm a little butthurt that i don't own a coonan

I bet their attitude is something like "Hey if you don't like it, go buy a desert eagle... ROFLMAO, have you fun with that. ."

Out of the two the coonan is probably finicky but I bet its a lot less ****y/breaky than the DEs are.

I bet their attitude is something like "Hey if you don't like it, go buy a desert eagle... ROFLMAO, have you fun with that. ."

Out of the two the coonan is probably finicky but I bet its a lot less ****y/breaky than the DEs are.


Yeah I thought about getting a DE but it's just too damn big and heard too many mixed reviews. My Coonan was a little finicky in the first 300 rounds or so but has been great now that it's broken in. Never had any FTF/FTE's only the slide not locking back on the last round which hasn't happened in a while.
That's pretty sweet! You going to get the new compact version of that?

No I don't think so. Not anytime soon as these aren't cheap lol. I hear from a few guys on the 1911 forums that the compact models are a little more finicky.
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