Governor Baker has a MA priorities survey for likely voters

Done... My comment read:

"The Governor should uphold his oath of office in support of the US Constitution by doing everything possible to protect our 2nd Amendment rights. The overreach of the Attorney General should have been more strongly opposed!"
Done, though I'm certain it's just going to land me on the "pay for Baker's re-election campaign" list again.

Not positive as to how it happened the first time, and they've been pretty terrible at reading and/or responding to removal requests, so I gave an email with a tag ("+bakersurvey") so Gmail can trash whatever spam I get from them.
The survey can be found here:

I used the box "Is there anything else we should focus on?" to type in: Preservation of our second amendment rights within the commonwealth.

Unfortunately you have to select an option. So I added the addition comment of please ignore my selection at top, my priority is stated above.

Simple and to the point. Maybe a few thousand more might make a difference?
Charlie's computer doesn't like it when you write to stop the Attorney General's Civil Rights Violations...

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