Gretchen "Witchmer" target of kidnap plot

It doesn't seem like they had a plan, or even enough people to carry one out. It was mostly based on some "recruiting" efforts with the goal to "get Whitmer."

It's dumbassery, but it's still a crime.
FBI uncovers armed militia plot to abduct Michigan Gov. Whitmer
Paul Bellar, Shawn Fix, Eric Molitor, Michael Null, William Null, Pete Musico and Joseph Morrison are all facing state-related terrorism charges connected to the militia plot. ...​
Two of them may go free.

They seem to be leveraging the same technique
as the guy with the JCL in his vanity plate:

// EOD​

"We'd love to jail you, but the system keeps crashing
with 'NULL pointer dereference'".

This sting kinda supports those who are suspicious when new posters ask questionable things here and they respond with "Maura Marsha"?
Sorry for the dupe!

I figured it was in Off Topic.

Anyway, here is an update:

Governor Whitmer blames Trump for right-wing plot to kidnap her: FBI captures 13 'depraved' militiamen linked to April's storming of Michigan capitol who plotted on WhatsApp to 'grab' Democratic pro-lockdown leader and 'incite civil war'
  • Six people were arrested in a raid on Thursday morning over the alleged plot
  • They are Adam Fox, Barry Croft, Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris, Brandon Caserta and 24-year-old Ty Garbin
  • Another seven men were charged by the AG's office over a plot to 'incite a civil war'
  • They are part of a known militia group called Wolverine Watchmen
  • They also planned to storm the Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing
  • They plotted to kidnap Whitmer at her family's vacation home in Michigan
  • The men practiced shooting, combat drills and even made their own explosives
  • They carried out surveillance at Whitmer's vacation home in Michigan
  • Their plan was foiled by an FBI informant who they had tried to recruit to help
  • Whitmer, on Thursday, called the men 'sick and depraved'
  • She said she would 'never have expected' to have been the target of a kidnap plot
  • Joe Biden blamed Trump's 'LIBERATE MICHIGAN' tweet in April for the plot

WARNING: Do not use NES covert comms for kidnap plots!
Lol that article is 10 years old.
It was big news 10 years ago and the Fake News media along with the Feds made it look like this White militia was a terrorist organization. Now, 10 years later after Whitmer gets her ass handed to her by the courts, the same story of a White militia comes out in the same general area during an election year.

I don't trust the corrupt FBI, the same department that executed the phony Russia investigation, with anything high profile and kidnapping a gov would be a high profile case.

IMO, this is Randy Weaver with shotguns all over again and if Biden/Harris get elected we'll have Ruby Ridge's and Waco's happening all over the country, mostly the suburbs.
Why on Earth would anyone want to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer? If they succeeded, they'd be stuck with having to be with Gretchen Whitmer.
I mean, if that kunt lost some weight, she wouldn't be too bad looking.
I think being held against her will and a starvation diet would have done her a lot of good because looking at her, she's 5 years away from a stent and an angioplasty.
Guess these big brains couldn't figure out that publicly discussing overthrowing the government on FB or Reddit is a bad idea. This sting kinda supports those who are suspicious when new posters ask questionable things here and they respond with "Maura"?
Nothing you post online is private. NOTHING.
Nothing you text is private.
Nothing you Email is private.
Nothing you do while you have your cellphone in your pocket is private.

And it isn't a question of "is there someone from the gov reading NES?" But rather "how many gov employees are NES members?".

And your NES screen name does not protect you. I bet you half the people use the app and stay signed ON all the time.

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