GSSF Glock purchase program?

Mar 31, 2008
deep dark exact spot in hell
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How does the Glocck GSSF purchase program work? I heard you join GSSF....after 1 yr, you get a small purchase certificate, which you then take to a Glock Stocking Gun Dlr? Buy the Glock at some sort of reduced price. What does the dealer do with the Purchase Certificate? How does this work?
1. Member contacts GLOCK for local dealer information, then calls the dealer to be sure they are participating in the program and that the dealer has the model wanted in stock.
2. Member takes the GSSF Pistol Purchase Coupon to the dealer along with any other required documents. Dealer will keep the card and attach it to the Form 4473 and/or other pertinent documents.
3. Member is responsible for any taxes or fees as is required by local, state and federal laws.
4. Member must meet all local, state and federal laws necessary to legally purchase a pistol.
5. Member may only purchase 1 GLOCK handgun per calendar year in this program.

Also, cant do it if you live in MA obviously.
If you sign up for the 2 year membership you get the coupon instantly. But like deezwho said it's not valid in no dealer in MA will sells new Glocks to non-LEO
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