Gun ban raises the heat in Rehoboth

Rehoboth police chief: 'Volatility' at meetings prompted weapon worries

REHOBOTH - Recent attempts to keep firearms and other weapons out of public forums follow a rising tide of emotions at town selectmen's meetings.

Police Chief Stephen Enos, who says he's requesting that citizens not bring weapons into public buildings, said the request follows a period of "volatility" at selectmen's meetings in which emotions have run high.

"We've had to remove a number of people from meetings over the last couple of months," Enos said, adding that he's concerned tempers could escalate.

Enos said he met with selectmen about the problem a month ago. The board has yet to enact a formal policy on weapons, but at Monday's selectmen's meeting Chairman Ken Foley asked anyone carrying a weapon to leave.

The exclusion applies to other weapons as well as guns. Currently, there is no state law banning the carrying of weapons into public meetings or buildings, other than schools, Enos said.

However, the chief said the town or board of selectmen could adopt a bylaw or policy banning weapons from public buildings.

He likened such a policy to the exclusion of weapons from state courthouses.

Regardless of what selectmen do, Enos said he is concerned about the safety of public meetings, and plans to renew his request that people refrain from bringing weapons.

Nationwide, he said, there have been too many examples of shootings and other incidents at public gatherings where tempers have become inflamed.

The U.S. Supreme Court recently affirmed the right of Americans to have handguns for self defense, rendering local ordinances such as Chicago's tough handgun ban unenforceable. However, the Chicago City Council recently approved a new ordinance restricting how handguns can be used.

Maybe I'm crazy, but it seems like a place where someone could snap and become violent is a place where you'd WANT more people with guns...
Sounds like an Open Meeting Law Violation. Complain to the Bristol DA. I don't think that warranted Executive session and such things must be posted in ADVANCE.

I forgot!!! Effective July 1st, 2010, the AG is now in charge of OML violations. Guys, if you live in this town, then file a complaint. This is a VIOLATION. You are supposed in general to post executive session in advance by 48 hours. Only in very limited special circumstances might you be able to get away with it. This was not a security conversation per se. Don't let them off the hook.

Everything should be public record. It would also garner a lot of press attention.
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