Gun Clubs in Massachusetts

Apr 29, 2005
Peabody, MA
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My father's trying to encourage me to meet guys at a local gun club. I'm not sure of a good place to go. The Danvers Fish and Game is suggested but I think it operates from 9-3, which is when most folks work. Am I wrong? Is it a good club in door and out? I hate that I can't shoot any closer than 75ft indoors with only lead bullets at the Andover/Lawrence club. Money is tight so I don't have a whole lot to spend on a club with dues, etc. Any place local to Peabody that won't make me work as part of the requirement?
I didn't join Danvers because of the hours. It's a pretty good facility, though. Mass Rifle Association in Woburn gives you 24hr access. That's the one I joined and I haven't regretted it.

Great club. Great people.
How close can you shoot in the indoor ranges? Full metal jackets allowed or just lead, and can you forgo on the five hour work duties or is it mandatory? Also what's the outdoor range like?
Laura I'm a member of the MRA too.

Go to
Loeb is 35-75 feet. Also Fazio is inside but is only airgun or .22 and has fixed targets. Don't usually shoot up there so I don't know how far away, probably 25 feet?

My favorite in warm weather is the Pope which is a nice enclosed outdoor range. Anyway, all your answers will be at the website.

Come down on a Sunday morning between 8and 12. That's when the kitchen is open, lots of socializing and at 10 shotgun starts outside. Good times!

You can shoot jacketed ammo on all of the centerfire ranges. The main indoor rage, Loeb, can handle anything under .50 BMG. The other indoor range, Fazio, is 50 feet, rimfire or airgun only.

I just got back from doing a little shooting on the Pope range. You can shoot at 25, 35, or 50 feet there. It's a nice outdoor range.
Well, you may find better men at the range than at the bar. Remember, consider the WORST of the men at the 2 locations, not the best.

ETA - The wife and I met in an Army Mess Hall of all places. We had a mutual friend (female, dating another friend of mine), and the wife and her we eating, I asked to join them, we got introduced, and many years later, we're still together.
Nickle said:
Well, you may find better men at the range than at the bar. Remember, consider the WORST of the men at the 2 locations, not the best.

ETA - The wife and I met in an Army Mess Hall of all places. We had a mutual friend (female, dating another friend of mine), and the wife and her we eating, I asked to join them, we got introduced, and many years later, we're still together.

Awww...that's so sweet. :D
Well, the price of the meal was definitely cheap.

No, I'm not that cheap, believe me, I was raised right, definitely NOT cheap.

Makes for a funny story, though. True, as well.
You know what- looking at this post has given me an idea for you single-folk.

If it were advertised properly what do you think about "singles night" at gun clubs? There'd have to be (non-alocholic) refreshments and somebody would have to bring guns or open the armory. But for the price of ammo singles could meet, shoot and be merry.

Somebody get on that...
That's an interesting thought. I think where my father was coming from was I'm very interested in guns, single, and this is something I might use as a hook to meet guys with the obvious same interest at the club. We went shooting two weeks ago and met two guys there, new to shooting, and they were asking me all kinds of questions and we were swaping guns back and forth. My father said I was very talkative and held my own and maybe I could meet a nice guy there that would share my interest and go shooting with him once and a while.

I'm surprised no one has ever thought of it before really. I don't drink, so that elminates the bars - can't hear anything in them anyway, much less the person I'm supposed to be having a conversation with. I don't like pubs, bowling alleys, etc. For me, it's guns, martial arts, and all things Hong Kong -- this is why I'm single -- I think I'm just too different. To an outsider, I probably sound like Quintin Tarantino's sister....anyway, I'm with the Lawrence club, just curious if there were other clubs with more social aspects to it.
Like Nickle,we didn't meet in the mess hall. I worked with Glenn in the shop. I was one of their supply pogues. Never know though you might find someone at the range that has the same interests as you. Stranger things happen.
SiameseRat said:
You know what- looking at this post has given me an idea for you single-folk.

If it were advertised properly what do you think about "singles night" at gun clubs? There'd have to be (non-alocholic) refreshments and somebody would have to bring guns or open the armory. But for the price of ammo singles could meet, shoot and be merry.

Somebody get on that...

...or "couples night", maybe a two for one? I know there are church couples outings, ...

No, I'm not that cheap, believe me, I was raised right, definitely NOT cheap.
Cheap? I'll tell you cheap...

One of my classmates from high school (we're talking dark ages here) told me about the date that she went on with a fellow classmate, Andy. Andy lived in one of the most chi-chi suburbs of Chicago. Think Weston or Dover. He picked her up for dinner in his dad's Rolls Royce Corniche convertible.

He took her to McDonald's. And he wanted to go dutch. I kid you not...

That's cheap.
Actually, she was very impressed. So impressed that 10 years later she still vividly remembers it and describes him as "what a cheap !#%!!"

But perhaps not impressed in the way he was hoping.
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