News Update!!!!
Murphy walked out2 weekends ago...took enough crap from cowboy!!! And the other weekend guy walked with him! ! !
I didn't know they were a couple!
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News Update!!!!
Murphy walked out2 weekends ago...took enough crap from cowboy!!! And the other weekend guy walked with him! ! !
News Update!!!!
Murphy walked out2 weekends ago...took enough crap from cowboy!!! And the other weekend guy walked with him! ! !
Prices on guns are still too high. They out to have a sale and drop prices to "broom" out some of the guns that have been sitting there for 10 years.
I fail to understand how this shop stays in business. Decent selection, highish prices, but customer service is incredibly bad. Example - I'm looking for a Ruger 10/22 rifle to teach my kids to shoot. I called and was told they have "lots of .22 rifles," although the guy on the phone refused to be more specific. So I took the 20-minute drive there, walked in to a store filled with cigar smoke (the sign says no smoking but that apparently doesn't apply to the owner who was smoking a nasty stogie and chewing the fat with one of his regulars in an easy chair). There were a few customer, about as many staff if not more, and I spent 15 minutes looking around. I finally got someone to help me and he showed me the ONE Ruger 10/22 they had, new-in-box, at a price that is about 25% higher than I could find at At least I was able to show my kids what one looked like.
I'll buy a 10/22 elsewhere and avoid this place.
I asked the guy working how business has been and he said it was "slow" and didn't know where people were getting the idea that gun sales were "up"
I went in there to purchase some ear protection; they were very rude and treated me like I was an alien. Will not spend another dime in there.
the asshat owner was sitting in the corner eating his lunch (which I guess is why he wasn't telling me war stories)
I would not wast my time to go there Ilive 15 min away from them, I would drive to maine before I give them my money.
I bought a lot of guns there years ago, but that was back when Phil Rogers was working there. Phil always treated the customers with dignity, and patiently answered my then newbie questions, (Has it really been ten years?). I spent a LOT of money there then, and got good guns and supplies. Since then? Hah!
When he left, the place went downhill. The customer service is terrible, and everybody behind the counter is some kind of former SPECOPS operator or a space shuttle door gunner, with oak leaf clusters. It's like being at a bad gun show. The only things missing there are Kettle Korn and Beanie Babies.
I only go in there if I have to. Maybe about once every six months. Every time I go in, it's apparent I am not welcomed. Question is- who is?
It's the kind of place that would turn off a new person to firearms. Indeed, it would probably turn them into antigunners, simply because the management look, talk and act like something out of a Hollywood media expose on ultra-rightwing conspiracy gun nut wackjobs. Michael Moore would have a field day with those clowns.
I havent been in that place since they were across the street, on the same side as Spags.
How long ago was that?
Or am I thinking of a different shop?
Good Grief!!
That was a ton of years ago when Peter Dowd still ran the place. IIRC, he moved across the street and later sold the business with a "no compete" clause for 10 years. After that was up, he opened up in Northboro (The Village Gun Shop). To give you some idea, I bought my Ruger 10/22 in 1988 from the Gun Room on the other side of the street.
I bought my first real shot gun, a Winchester model 12, from the old location about 10 years before that... don't recall any unusual behavior from store staff back then,,