Gun Room, Shrewsbury, MA

overpriced, rude, lame high priced selection, you have to drive through worcester or rt9 tp get there..... what could be worse

If anything the location is actually pretty good. That's probably the only reason they are still in business.

Yeah, I find myself passing by that shop quite a bit, based on my current location and errands. Pity it's not worth stopping in beyond taking its temp to see if it's still alive...
It's weird, I've never actually had any issues in there, none whatsoever. they seemed to treat me fairly we'll, even though I look like the typical 22 year old and you'd think they treat me as such.
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gun room in shr

just want to say couple of good words about this place.
Staff was not rude to me at all. They were kind of nice guys.
Not a lot of choice if you're about to buy a new handgun.
But they do have used long rifles.
And lots of them. And some of them are very good.
In terms of price you can definitely find a better deal if you're willing
to put an extra hundred miles on your car.
In general -> I like this shop
just want to say couple of good words about this place.
In terms of price you can definitely find a better deal if you're willing
to put an extra hundred miles on your car.
In general -> I like this shop

I'm glad you had a good experience, and welcome.
FYI There are at least a 1/2 dozen shops with better service, price and selection within 30 minutes of the GR.
gun room in shr


Most of people are bitching about this place. I have no affiliation with them at all (no friends, relatives etc in there).

But ...

It looks like guys have managed to survive for quite a long time despite of all these internet postings,
so ... may be they are doing something right ... (or they are doing something illegal).

Anyway ..

can you please shoot me those 6+ addresses.

Thanks a lot
IDC Firearms, Clinton
Callaghan's Firearms, Marlborough
Tite-Group Sporting, Northboro
First Defense, Uxbridge
Undercover Arms, Hudson

Those are the first five that spring to mind. There are threads for all of them on NES; just search and you'll find them.
Bob's in Webster
Wayne's in West Boylston
Tombstone in West Brookfield
the place in Sturbridge
I have been to a few guns stores where right on the glass is a sign that says " must show gun lisence to handle guns" but when i ask to see a gun they dont even ask.

There is NO LAW that requires a gun license to look/handle a gun. As long as you are under "direct supervision of a licensed person (sales clerk)" it's legal for anyone except a PP to handle a gun.

Stores do what they do for their own reasons, nothing that has to do with MGLs.
I called around looking for a ruger 10-22 used for about 150$. And low and behold this place had one! I said great can you hold it for me? They said ya no problem see ya when you get here. I was pumped, i live in the leominster area so i was ganna take the trip to shrews and pick it up. So i get there and see the gun, exactly what I wanted for a base gun to start with, I want a 10-22 and am ganna do the arch angel kit ect ect. So he asks to see my permit. I pull out my FID. and all of a sudden all 3 men behind the counter "WOAH WOAH WOAH, cant sell ya that buddy, need a LTC." I try to argue the fact that no i can. they told me " No because the gun can take a high cap mag. I argue the point no no no ruger never sold the gun with a more than a 10 round mag so im fine. They continue to tell me no, so i leave pissed off. I knew I was right, iv done alot of research on here just to make sure i didnt look dumb going in and trying to buy one lol. So on my way home I can IDC guns in clinton and ask them "Hey a ruger 10-22 i can get one with a FID right?" they tell me yes of course why?" I tell them the experience I had at the gun room and they laugh and say come on in we have plenty of 10-22s." I get there and tell them about what happened and everyone in the store was pretty much like what the f*$k and long story short they sold me one. Im kind of tempted to call this place and rub there nose in it. Needless to say im never going back to the gun room. See my review for IDC guns in clinton
M.G.L. Chapter140 Section 121

“Large capacity weapon”, any firearm, rifle or shotgun: (i) that is semiautomatic with a fixed large capacity feeding device; (ii) that is semiautomatic and capable of accepting, or readily modifiable to accept, any detachable large capacity feeding device; (iii) that employs a rotating cylinder capable of accepting more than ten rounds of ammunition in a rifle or firearm and more than five shotgun shells in the case of a shotgun or firearm; or (iv) that is an assault weapon. The term “large capacity weapon” shall be a secondary designation and shall apply to a weapon in addition to its primary designation as a firearm, rifle or shotgun and shall not include: (i) any weapon that was manufactured in or prior to the year 1899; (ii) any weapon that operates by manual bolt, pump, lever or slide action; (iii) any weapon that is a single-shot weapon; (iv) any weapon that has been modified so as to render it permanently inoperable or otherwise rendered permanently unable to be designated a large capacity weapon; or (v) any weapon that is an antique or relic, theatrical prop or other weapon that is not capable of firing a projectile and which is not intended for use as a functional weapon and cannot be readily modified through a combination of available parts into an operable large capacity weapon.
M.G.L. Chapter140 Section 121

“Large capacity weapon”, any firearm, rifle or shotgun: (i) that is semiautomatic with a fixed large capacity feeding device; (ii) that is semiautomatic and capable of accepting, or readily modifiable to accept, any detachable large capacity feeding device; (iii) that employs a rotating cylinder capable of accepting more than ten rounds of ammunition in a rifle or firearm and more than five shotgun shells in the case of a shotgun or firearm; or (iv) that is an assault weapon. The term “large capacity weapon” shall be a secondary designation and shall apply to a weapon in addition to its primary designation as a firearm, rifle or shotgun and shall not include: (i) any weapon that was manufactured in or prior to the year 1899; (ii) any weapon that operates by manual bolt, pump, lever or slide action; (iii) any weapon that is a single-shot weapon; (iv) any weapon that has been modified so as to render it permanently inoperable or otherwise rendered permanently unable to be designated a large capacity weapon; or (v) any weapon that is an antique or relic, theatrical prop or other weapon that is not capable of firing a projectile and which is not intended for use as a functional weapon and cannot be readily modified through a combination of available parts into an operable large capacity weapon.

That's great but a Ruger 10/22 is not a large capacity firearm as delivered from the factory. It's not on the list, and it only comes with a 10 round mag.

I know, I know, you types are going to try telling us that because it can "readily accept a large capacity magazine" that it should count, but it doesn't... you need to do some more in-depth reading on this to fully understand why that just isn't so. (For starters, there are plenty of mag fed rifles "capable of accepting" large cap mags sold to FID holders every day in MA.... )

That said, this is an ongoing problem in MA and it's not just confined to the gun room. People with FIDs are effectively 3rd class citizens when it comes to gun stores in this state. It just is what it is.

M.G.L. Chapter140 Section 121

“Large capacity weapon”, any firearm, rifle or shotgun: (i) that is semiautomatic with a fixed large capacity feeding device; (ii) that is semiautomatic and capable of accepting, or readily modifiable to accept, any detachable large capacity feeding device; (iii) that employs a rotating cylinder capable of accepting more than ten rounds
M.G.L. Chapter140 Section 121

“Large capacity weapon”, any firearm, rifle or shotgun: (i) that is semiautomatic with a fixed large capacity feeding device; (ii) that is semiautomatic and capable of accepting,
M.G.L. Chapter140 Section 121

“Large capacity weapon”, any firearm, rifle or shotgun: (i) that is semiautomatic with a fixed large capacity feeding device; (ii) that is semiautomatic and capable of accepting, or readily modifiable to accept, any detachable large capacity feeding device; (iii) that employs a rotating cylinder capable of accepting more than ten rounds of ammunition in a rifle or firearm and more than five shotgun shells in the case of a shotgun or firearm; or (iv) that is an assault weapon. The term “large capacity weapon” shall be a secondary designation and shall apply to a weapon in addition to its primary designation as a firearm, rifle or shotgun and shall not include: (i) any weapon that was manufactured in or prior to the year 1899; (ii) any weapon that operates by manual bolt, pump, lever or slide action; (iii) any weapon that is a single-shot weapon; (iv) any weapon that has been modified so as to render it permanently inoperable or otherwise rendered permanently unable to be designated a large capacity weapon; or (v) any weapon that is an antique or relic, theatrical prop or other weapon that is not capable of firing a projectile and which is not intended for use as a functional weapon and cannot be readily modified through a combination of available parts into an operable large capacity weapon.

M.G.L. Chapter140 Section 121

“Large capacity weapon”, any firearm, rifle or shotgun: (i) that is semiautomatic with a fixed large capacity feeding device; (ii) that is semiautomatic and capable of accepting, or readily modifiable to accept, any detachable large capacity feeding device; (iii) that employs a rotating cylinder capable of accepting more than ten rounds

M.G.L. Chapter140 Section 121

“Large capacity weapon”, any firearm, rifle or shotgun: (i) that is semiautomatic with a fixed large capacity feeding device; (ii) that is semiautomatic and capable of accepting,

Yes. We can read. We know what it says.

The problem is the state's definition of "capable of accepting" =/= common sense definition of "capable of accepting".

In order for your 10/22 to be "capable" of accepting a LCAFD, you need to be in possession of both said 10/22 and LCAFD. Since the 10/22 is NOT on the Large-Cap roster, those are the ONLY circumstances under which 140s121 is tripped.
Oh. I thought that was part of it. Isn't there a bill filed to repeal the "large capacity feeding devices" filed? If not, why not? (GOAL?)

Thanks Mike for clearing that up.
One needs to ALSO read the CMR that attaches to that piece of crap that passes for MGL.

Reading what Shooter123 posted literally, as he has would mean that ONLY revolvers (wrt handguns) would not be "capable of accepting a large capacity feeding device". Every external mag-fed handgun is literally "capable" of being hi-cap.

Have you ever seen a 22rd stick mag for a Colt 1911 or a 50rd drum mag for the Colt 1911? I have seen both at NH gun shows. Just to use an absurd example of how one can mis-interpret the intended meaning of a very poorly worded law.

All that said, there will always be some dealers who will take the most strict interpretation as the yardstick to run their business. As private business-owners they are free to do so and we are free to shop elsewhere.
so a ar-15... even though they are capable of a excepting pre ban magazines they still sell them to people. its essentially up to the owner. i know and the gun stores should know that its up to the owner to not be in possession of a hi cap magazine if they only have a FID
so a ar-15... even though they are capable of a excepting pre ban magazines they still sell them to people. its essentially up to the owner. i know and the gun stores should know that its up to the owner to not be in possession of a hi cap magazine if they only have a FID

so a ar-15... even though they are capable of a excepting pre ban magazines they still sell them to people. its essentially up to the owner. i know and the gun stores should know that its up to the owner to not be in possession of a hi cap magazine if they only have a FID

The AR15 is designated as a high capacity rifle by the list put out by the GCAB and therefore requires and LTC-A or LTC-B, so anyone legally owning an AR15 in MA is already licensed for high capacity rifle magazines.
I've stepped into this store twice now. And I won't be going back. The only reason I noticed it was I was headed home from doing work up in worcester. The guys behind the desk were very abrasive. I asked about a Rem 700, and was told "we only have one, and it's not what you are looking for." All of the Weatherby rifles had the brakes removed. (are they gonna charge extra for them?) So I picked up my box of large rifle mag primers, showed my card, paid too much for reloading components, and left to go home. I really need to find a good shop.
I've stepped into this store twice now. And I won't be going back. The only reason I noticed it was I was headed home from doing work up in worcester. The guys behind the desk were very abrasive. I asked about a Rem 700, and was told "we only have one, and it's not what you are looking for." All of the Weatherby rifles had the brakes removed. (are they gonna charge extra for them?) So I picked up my box of large rifle mag primers, showed my card, paid too much for reloading components, and left to go home. I really need to find a good shop.

Try Idc. Firearms in Clinton...... the gun room sucks
There's Bob's and Sparky's in Webster, and then if you take a drive east into Natick you get GFA Armstec, B&K.... etc. There's no real reason to stop at the gun room... ever. More towards north central MA you got IDC Firearms, and then there's Dube's Pack & Post in Lancaster. (assuming they're open, they do mostly internet sales, I think).

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