Gun Violence report in the hands of DeLeo

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Actually the fact that it was found favorable by only one vote in the committee could hint at the promise of the bills demise in the house.
I received responses from 2 of the three legislators that represent me (dems),that in current form they will vote no. O'Connell never replied to my repeated emails
Apparently, by 1 vote.

This is actually AWESOME news given the makeup of the committee. Make sure your reps hear that it was such a close vote because of the many flaws in the bill when you call them.

I don't think we generally get a roll call from committee votes. Those who vote with the minority may opt to be listed as dissenters if they ask to be, but it's not automatic.
Remember, those that get leadership roles and committee appointments are beholden to the speaker, not their constituents. The whole body could vote this down - even with all the leadership for it.

Keep calling/E-mailing/Visiting folks.
Actually the fact that it was found favorable by only one vote in the committee could hint at the promise of the bills demise in the house.

It was a defeat, but at least it wasn't a crushing defeat.

I wish I could share your optimism regarding the "bills demise", but they will get something passed.

It's Deleos baby, and they have too much time invested and reputations at stake to simply let it get squashed.

Given the one vote margin, I am optimistic that most (if not all), of the more troublesome aspects will be stripped out.
That is the only saving grace at the moment just have to wait to see what they change

Don't wait, get on the phone and start demanding amendments.

My suggestion is that everyone call their reps and ask for a list specific amendments to the bill as written. GOAL's section-by-section analysis is a great place to start.

Worst case we get some amendments, best case they spend so long arguing about the amendments the clock runs out and the whole bill dies. The close committee vote shows that all is not lost.
Don't wait, get on the phone and start demanding amendments.

My suggestion is that everyone call their reps and ask for a list specific amendments to the bill as written. GOAL's section-by-section analysis is a great place to start.

Worst case we get some amendments, best case they spend so long arguing about the amendments the clock runs out and the whole bill dies. The close committee vote shows that all is not lost.

Trust me, this is one bill that will NOT die. Now that it has been "cleared" by the committee, it's going to be full steam ahead with voting. Expect a vote in both the senate and house any weekend.
Don't wait, get on the phone and start demanding amendments.

My suggestion is that everyone call their reps and ask for a list specific amendments to the bill as written. GOAL's section-by-section analysis is a great place to start.

Worst case we get some amendments, best case they spend so long arguing about the amendments the clock runs out and the whole bill dies. The close committee vote shows that all is not lost.

That was my first thought as well.

Think we're better off waiting a few hours to see where it goes, then crank it up. This way we can also thank those who opposed it, IF they release the roll.
Trust me, this is one bill that will NOT die. Now that it has been "cleared" by the committee, it's going to be full steam ahead with voting. Expect a vote in both the senate and house any weekend.

I tend to agree but that doesn't mean that we can't influence some amendments that would make it less odorous.
one pitfall would be if the pro-2A community attempts to defeat every aspect of HB4121.
IMO we are better off focusing the criticism on specific spots that are both the weakest and most infringing.
for me its the removal of FTF and the requiring "a list" of all guns provided at renewal.
as much as i am disgusted by the changes to licensing such as mental health and absurd misdemeaner DQ, i am worried that the propaganda regime has so heavily supported it that we might lose the entire war if we pro-2As engage every battle.
one pitfall would be if the pro-2A community attempts to defeat every aspect of HB4121.
IMO we are better off focusing the criticism on specific spots that are both the weakest and most infringing.
for me its the removal of FTF and the requiring "a list" of all guns provided at renewal.
as much as i am disgusted by the changes to licensing such as mental health and absurd misdemeaner DQ, i am worried that the propaganda regime has so heavily supported it that we might lose the entire war if we pro-2As engage every battle.

I agree. A "this whole bill sucks" strategy is unlikely to be very effective, instead we should focus on amending the specific sections that impact law-abiding gun owners the most.
I agree. A "this whole bill sucks" strategy is unlikely to be very effective, instead we should focus on amending the specific sections that impact law-abiding gun owners the most.

I was leaning towards pointing out the ALL shortcomings of the bill, even in areas that don't effect me in attempts to illustrate how poor it is and how it needs so much work it isn't worth passing or even amending in it's current form
one pitfall would be if the pro-2A community attempts to defeat every aspect of HB4121.
IMO we are better off focusing the criticism on specific spots that are both the weakest and most infringing.
for me its the removal of FTF and the requiring "a list" of all guns provided at renewal.
as much as i am disgusted by the changes to licensing such as mental health and absurd misdemeaner DQ, i am worried that the propaganda regime has so heavily supported it that we might lose the entire war if we pro-2As engage every battle.

Some of the sections are so stupid and effect us very little that's it's not even worth arguing about.

A few examples are the suicide prevention sections (there's at least 4-5) and CORI checks for gun store employees.
Wow that was a surprise! (Heavy f'n sarcasm).

What does by 1 vote mean? Does it mean it was just passed by 1 or that only 1 was a no?

Sent from the blind
I agree. A "this whole bill sucks" strategy is unlikely to be very effective, instead we should focus on amending the specific sections that impact law-abiding gun owners the most.

While I agree defeating every aspect of H.4121 is unrealistic, getting by with only some of the components is still a slow boiling frog and continual erosion of our rights. I feel like we have all been battered so often that we accept the minor abuse as 'not so bad, they only raped me and didn't break any bones this time'. However unlikely, we need to remember a true compromise would be to win back some of the bullshite that is on the books now, and give some with this new bill. Not that we have any leverage though.
Wow that was a surprise! (Heavy f'n sarcasm).

What does by 1 vote mean? Does it mean it was just passed by 1 or that only 1 was a no?

Sent from the blind

Committee votes are simple majority, so it means that one more person voted to release the bill than vote against releasing it.
one pitfall would be if the pro-2A community attempts to defeat every aspect of HB4121.
IMO we are better off focusing the criticism on specific spots that are both the weakest and most infringing.
for me its the removal of FTF and the requiring "a list" of all guns provided at renewal.
as much as i am disgusted by the changes to licensing such as mental health and absurd misdemeaner DQ, i am worried that the propaganda regime has so heavily supported it that we might lose the entire war if we pro-2As engage every battle.

IMO the rank-and-file House should be told that GOAL supports some of it, and we support GOAL, but the committee and DeLeo never "listened." I'm still going the Retribution route - any rep. that votes for this as written will incur a sh*tstorm from the single-issue gun-rights voters in their district, who we know outspend the antis, even here in the "cradle of liberty." I fully believe every half-wit House-member is taking this seriously.
one pitfall would be if the pro-2A community attempts to defeat every aspect of HB4121.
IMO we are better off focusing the criticism on specific spots that are both the weakest and most infringing.
for me its the removal of FTF and the requiring "a list" of all guns provided at renewal.
as much as i am disgusted by the changes to licensing such as mental health and absurd misdemeaner DQ, i am worried that the propaganda regime has so heavily supported it that we might lose the entire war if we pro-2As engage every battle.

Bill DOES NOT have a requirement to list - only declare you have not lost or had stolen any firearms.

The misdemeaner DQ and may issue FID are the extreme problems. However, either of these does pass I think they will get shot down in federal court but only in the future
You are being naive if you think a "list" won't follow. Look how transactions are now registration. Don't forget this is a decades long war not a battle.
Committee votes are simple majority, so it means that one more person voted to release the bill than vote against releasing it.


Just trying to figure out who lied to me during the calls and face to cae convos I had. For a few seconds last week I thought we might have a chance but one of the wafflers must have caved.

Looks like we will need to be better organized and focused on this next step
I agree with the above in focusing on a few of the critical points versus saying the whole things sucks, even if it does...

Sent from the blind
Not yet, lets wait and see where it goes. This way we can make a focused effort and also thank the committee members that voted no.

What do you mean by "see where it goes"?

It was released by the committee, correct? Are there multiple, equally likely, options as to where it could be going at this point?
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