if they only get thier FID: the old standby, the 12 gauge pump gun is a solid choice. cheap to buy. cheap to feed, and most importantly cheap to practice with. this gun would be a very solid choice for a general bug out with in anything up to war conditions. plenty to defend your family and food/gas suply
Allow me to disagree with you here, please. I don't think that a 12 ga is a good idea for non-gunnies for the simple reason that it kicks like a bitch. IF Mikey has any hope of eventually turning these people to the Light side (gun ownership), he might want to recommend something that their first memory of is NOT about punishing recoil. A 20 gauge might be a better choice.
a second choice would be the SKS. almost as cheap to buy, just as cheap to practice with, and its a rifle. Rifles > shotguns
No argument here - its a very capable medium range rifle and will certainly discourage the average looter-goblin. Fairly cheap to feed, but it can certainly hit out to 300 meters accurately from what I hear.
the 3rd choice is the venerable lever gun. i feel this is the mid ground between the two. decent range, but light and handy. its only down side is its slightly higher initial price tag. .38/357, .44mag , or .45lc are all good options. .38/.357 gets my vote for cheaper, more readily available ammo with still plenty of power
Excellent idea, and one I wouldn't have thought of. But let's face it - the folks in their 40's (and older) will take ONE look at a lever gun and be thinking of Chuck Connors playing Lucas McCain, The Rifleman. Always a good idea to invoke happy childhood memories... and in this case, memories that the guy with the lever action is a Good Guy. (Yeah, I know I'm being sneaky and psychological here. What's your point?)
if they are willing to get their LTC ( either class) then the options begin to expand to Pistols, Revolvers, Pistol Caliber Carbines, and full fledged auto loaders. this becomes more personal preference and wallet weight
Like, as another poster said, a good .357 wheelgun - possibly the most versatile handgun ever made. And, again, stoked with the proper ammo (.38 special), their first memory of shooting a gun won't be "Ouch!!".
A good Ruger 10/22 (or similar) is better then nothing in a SHTF situation. They can have thousands of rounds on hand and not feel that they have an evil gun. Also, The first time they shoot it they will have a blast and be hooked.
True... and a goblin probably isn't going to try and get close enough to go "Oh, that's only a .22; I'm not scared of that!". He'll see "Rifle!!" and boogie. One would hope, anyway.
I would tell them to get a mosin, they are a cheap gun and milsurp ammo is also dirt cheap. The SKS is also a good choice, another one although a little more pricey I would say get a M1 carbine.
Not sure about the Mosin - again, recoil issues. Heck,
I'm having a hard time keeping the recoil from yanking my finger off of the trigger when I fire off a shot from my new 91/30, and I'm not exactly a novice here. The M1 Carbine, though, is a good choice.