
Santurri LTD - Gunsmithing

Visited David on 6/03 to have work done on a AR15 upper for MA compliance. Needed the flash suppressor removed and a comp permanently attached, and the bayonet lug doctored to meet MA AWB. David ordered the part(compensator). I dropped the upper off on June 10th and had it back the next day! Excellent work and exceptional turn around. As for the bayonet lug, I had a weaver type adaptor attached to the lug with a set screw and wanted to keep it so David removed the rails of the bayonet mount and drilled and tapped the remaining piece of metal and re-attached the adaptor with a screw. I am very pleased with his work.
JES Supply

Did they just open? I never heard of them.

I'm not sure how long they've been around. They were mentioned in another post regarding ammo, but they're listed in the phone book as gunsmiths, too. They're just down the road from me but I never knew they were there. I need some work done and I'd like to go with the local guy if possible.
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Okay... I must have caught him on a bad day. I stopped by to have him take a look at my Beretta Cheetah (FS85.)

The sites are definitely off by quite a bit and I asked Dave if he could take a look and possibly correct the problem.

I stood around and waited for 10 minutes or so. He charged me only $5.00 and told me the sites were off .006". Problem solved. I got back to the car and examined the gun. I found a peen mark on the left side of the rear site. Not happy. I took the Cheetah to the range. Same issue. Not happy.

I called Beretta and they said that you couldn't "brute force" the rear site over. You needed some sort of special rig.

This is one single instance of dealing with Dave. Everyone has a bad day. I know... Lately I'm the poster child for that syndrome. But, frankly... I'd be hard pressed to have him do work on my 1911. I've already begun discussions with Greg Derr regarding the work I'd like done.

I'm not bashing Dave here, really. It's just every time I see him portrayed out here as some sort of infallible entity... the vein over my left temple starts to pulse...


.............and it is definitely much better. I can recommend Dave Santurri to anyone in this area. The trigger job cost me $89.
Ken is still in the game !

There used to be a guy in Dartmouth, MA "The Village Gunsmith" I think his name was Ken Pacheco. A good guy. Anyone know of him and if he is still in business?

Ken is still doing smith work and has his shop behind the house. He is a great guy to deal with and does some very nice work.
I just had a great experience with David Santurri. Needed Iron sights repaired. Didn't want to f-up the work myself as I lack tools. Called him up. Drove over. Waited while he fixed it in about 18 minutes. Paid a very fair price for perfectly done work. What else could I ask for?

David Santurri 401 726-1310 580 Kelley Blvd, North Attleboro MA
anyone recommend a re-finisher? I have some old guns I have tinkered with to make them run, but don't have the wherewithal for refinishing. Black oxide, hot blue, nickle etc.
I sent Sergey an email at the beginning of the week. Is he still in business?

After searching the forum for a gunsmith in the MetroWest area, I found Sergey's info here and contacted him. I couldn't be more pleased. I had an issue with an AR15. I dropped it off with him around noon last Saturday and by 10am Sunday, he called me to tell me it was ready.

I don't believe he has regular shop hours, but generally is available after 6pm and on weekends. Call for appointment
Does anyone have any input on where I should go to have the 6" barrel on a S&W 629 changed out to a 3" barrel ? S&W did not show any interest.

Thanks in advance
Hey everyone,
Anyone know a gunsmith in the Springfield/Amherst area that will do a trigger job on a new M&P 9c? I called one gunsmith who lives 5 minutes away and he refuses to do it due to Coakley's consumer protection regs. He told me to go to S&W directly.
Does anyone have any input on where I should go to have the 6" barrel on a S&W 629 changed out to a 3" barrel ? S&W did not show any interest.

Thanks in advance

Go and see Mike LaRocca! He just did some work on my S&W 686. I had him do a trigger job, the action is just as good as or better than my Python, its really amazing. He also replaced the locking bolt and a couple of screws. He really does fantastic work and his prices are very reasonable. A great guy to deal with. and a VERY GOOD gunsmith.
I need to have a barrel changed out on a Marlin 1894. I called and spoke to Jim at Cowboy GunWorks and he was a helpful but, isn't setup to do it. He gave me the name of a guy that can do it in Virginia but I'd rather not ship, I'd prefer local if I can.

Any leads?
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I met someone at my club and he was telling me about a gunsmith in the Plymouth, MA. area I dont recall him saying the name as we talked so much I forgot to ask. Does anyone know of one in that area.


I'm looking to get a .30-06 headspace check--and I really don't want to drive a great deal and spend $$ on gas that I could otherwise use to buy the gauges myself. Derr seems to focus mostly on handguns, and is on vacation to the end of the month.

Anyone know of any smiths on the southern half of the south shore? (BTW, called M&M's in Plymouth--they don't do headspace checks...)

Thanks in advance for any responses.

I'm looking to get a .30-06 headspace check--and I really don't want to drive a great deal and spend $$ on gas that I could otherwise use to buy the gauges myself. Derr seems to focus mostly on handguns, and is on vacation to the end of the month.

Anyone know of any smiths on the southern half of the south shore? (BTW, called M&M's in Plymouth--they don't do headspace checks...)

Thanks in advance for any responses.

Check your Email.
Has anyone heard of D&E Tactical Gunsmithing? They are located in Tilton NH in Story's Sporting Goods.

I had a house fire, my guns were in a safe, they do not appear to have any head damage, the seal to the safe started to break down some moisture and smoke got into the safe. I would like to have the guns looked at to see if any of them can be saved. I have hand guns, shot guns and rifles. I call the manufactures of the hand guns and they all said to send them back and they will look at them for me. Is this a good idea?

I am located in Lowell if anyone could recommend someone in the area.

Guns I would like looked at
s&m 642 revolver
ruger 357 revolver
ruger mark II
glock 22
glock 26
taurus 9mm (looks like a beretta 92fs)
Marlin 22 rifle
savage scout 308 rifle (also looking to have sighted in)
bushmaster ar15 ( looking to ad a sight and grip)
ak47 (have a russian sight on it that I am looking to have adjusted)
mossberg 12g
lamber 12g over under
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Probably not a good idea to post with enough info that someone could easily look you up, particularly when you listed all your guns.

You may want to edit your post simply saying your looking for a gunsmith in the Lowell Area. But that's just me.
Hey everyone,
Anyone know a gunsmith in the Springfield/Amherst area that will do a trigger job on a new M&P 9c? I called one gunsmith who lives 5 minutes away and he refuses to do it due to Coakley's consumer protection regs. He told me to go to S&W directly.

S&W Performance Center does do a custom package on MPs. I checked them out before deciding to go with Greg Derr (whom I highly recommend) also you can go the Apex kit route if you feel confident about yourself to do mechanical stuff.

You do have options.
Need a gunsmith to install night sights on my SR9C . Any recommendations on someone in Western Mass near Greenfield. All the good good places listed here are just too far away.
I have not used him but I had talked to him about installing and chamber a barrel on a mauser action and he told me it would be about $250.00 just for the labor. I thought that was kind of high.

We used him frequently. He does very good work. His number may be further back in the thread. If you can't find it, PM me.

Mike did the pin and weld on my brake. He did a great job and the price was reasonable.
Anyone know of a gunsmith in the Andover area? I need someone to install a pair of night sights and striker block on my M&P Shield. Turns out those factory sights are in way tighter than I anticipated.
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