H&K sku guidance needed

Nov 22, 2010
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WRT http://www.northeastshooters.com/vb...-As-Of......?p=1713744&viewfull=1#post1713744

As much as I would love to keep my dollars local, I just can't in good faith pay the MA premium. I've been joining and donating every possible pro 2A group I can, and feel I should treat myself to a few hundred bucks in savings by ordering online and using the money I saved on ammo. That said, I have a relative in Iowa who can purchase the USP 40 and the USP Comp LEM 40 for a considerably lower price, even with shipping and FFL fees factored in and send to me.

The SKU for the USP40 has 2 variations, there is the one as handwritten on the letterhead, and the 2nd is preceded by "M", M704001A5. The only difference I can tell is the grip from the descriptions. Correct to say the M704001A5 won't fly with my local FFL?

Regarding USP Comp LEM, the handwritten SKU when I search dealers, makes no mention of the LEM. However, 704037LEM does seem to have the LEM but omits the "A5" from the SKU. Do I go by item description, or by SKU?

I don't want these purchases bounced back as I read happened to another forum member on his Sig 226 purchase over a slight variance.

Any help appreciated.
I'll run up there tomorrow I suppose. I just hate bothering them with these sorta questions as I'm sure it gets old, even for them.
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