Hardest gun you have reassmbled.

Jul 25, 2008
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I haven't completely dissembled and reassembled many guns. Today I did it to a Mossberg 500 and the trigger grouping took 3 hours but the rest of the gun was easy. So whats the hardest gun you ever reassembled?
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A friends .22 Ruger pistol. It was a few years ago & can't recall exactly what it was, but I remember it was so new & tight it sucked to get back together.
Ruger MkII, re-assembly is infamous. Took mine apart for the first time in 10yrs (don't judge, it's been a safe queen for that long) last week and cleaned it up good, took a deep breath and started re-assembly and it only took 2 tries to get it functional! a new personal best. I found a website that gave a few tips and photos that helped out.
MKIII is definitely a tough one. The good thing is the receiver rarely has to be disassembled for cleaning. Once you've exploded the gun a few times, you get the hang of it and it's really not too bad. A 3rd hand would be welcomed though.

I'd have to say the CZ-82 was the most difficult to reassemble out of any I've ever done. And I've done my fair share. The mainspring on a Luger is a bitch. The trigger group on an SKS kicked my ass. The receiver guts on a PPS were close to infuriating. But the CZ-82 took my HOURS to get back together. I rarely shoot it now because I don't want to foul it enough to have to break it all the way down again. Its a very nice shooter though. 0_o
I don't get it, why is Mark III so difficult to dis-reassemble? I have it, I clean it after each shoot. I admit that lining up the bore back with the pin hole, when new, takes a few tries. May be cleaning it more often would solve your problem? Common, there is got to be something harder than that.
MKIII is definitely a tough one. The good thing is the receiver rarely has to be disassembled for cleaning. Once you've exploded the gun a few times, you get the hang of it and it's really not too bad. A 3rd hand would be welcomed though.

I'd have to say the CZ-82 was the most difficult to reassemble out of any I've ever done. And I've done my fair share. The mainspring on a Luger is a bitch. The trigger group on an SKS kicked my ass. The receiver guts on a PPS were close to infuriating. But the CZ-82 took my HOURS to get back together. I rarely shoot it now because I don't want to foul it enough to have to break it all the way down again. Its a very nice shooter though. 0_o

I just picked up a CZ82. Once I figured out that it couldn't be taken apart with the magazine in the gun, it was a breeze, although I'll admit that if I were ever to detail strip it, I'd probably have some trouble.

I don't get it, why is Mark III so difficult to dis-reassemble? I have it, I clean it after each shoot. I admit that lining up the bore back with the pin hole, when new, takes a few tries. May be cleaning it more often would solve your problem? Common, there is got to be something harder than that.

Dude, it says right in the owners manual to USE A HAMMER to take it apart. There's something not-quite-right about that.
I would say the Ruger but I never dared disassemble it.

I "dared" to do it once, haven't done it since. I don't even take the bolt out, anymore. Aerosol CLP is a beautiful thing, as are boresnakes.

I also don't disassemble my 10/22 anymore. From a theoretical standpoint, they're super simple to strip and put back together. Practically, however, mine sheds small parts when it's apart, and they go places where I cannot find them.
Dude, it says right in the owners manual to USE A HAMMER to take it apart. There's something not-quite-right about that.

Yeah....a rubber mallet, or plastic dead blow. Just to dislodge the barrel from the lug.

It's not that hard to take apart after it's been done a few times. It's certainly one of the harder ones, but not that bad really. Getting it back together can be tricky sometimes.
I watched a video on disassembly of a ruger 10/22 and bought a dedicated upper for the AR instead. What is up with Ruger anyway? The dedicated upper takes 10 seconds to disassemble, and 10 seconds to put it back together.

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Yeah, we had the gun guru at our club give a demo on taking a MK III apart one night after a monthly meeting. He used the leather mallet a few times and still had a bitch of a time reassembling the gun. Poor guy really struggled and he was on display as the expert.

If Ruger figured a better design of their .22 semi pistol they would sell a lot more. Lotta people shy away from buying one just because they're so hard to strip.
Ruger Mark III. Worth the hassle because it's such a great gun (to shoot). It really is stupid hard to dis and reassemble, but I can do it in a reasonable amount of time now. It's still unnecessarily hard, and it feels wrong bashing it with a 2X4.

My ATI GSG 22 cal rifle was a nightmare to put back together. Before that is was my stainless steel Walther PPK/S. When compared to these two my Ruger 22/45 was a piece of cake to take apart.
I don't own a MKIII, but I detail stripped my 10/22 once, took the hammer assy apart and the trigger safety. A lot of parts. Took awhile to put back together. I can do it in my sleep now.
Mark III. I almost threw the damn thing through the window. Any gun that lists "hammer and wood dowel rod" in the instructions for disassembly is full of fail.

FYI on the Mark III; I put a "Dr. Frankenruger" kit in the one I had.. totally worth the investment. Was an epic pain in the balls to install, but after that it took all of 10 seconds to field strip it.
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how about re assembling the Walther P22 , mine didn't come with that little plastic rod to re assemble , i don't know how many times i shot that spring into the air trying to hold it while i put the slide back on.I got the hang of it now though.
Ruger MK-II was a pain until I saw the internet video, now I know the secret of lining up the hammer strut and it is not that big a deal. My Blackhawk had a terrible trigger so I read up on improving the trigger. Took it apart and polished the trigger and hammer surfaces with a cloth tip on the Dremel and some rouge. I put the trigger pivot pin through the tip of my right index finger trying to get it back together. Damn thing hurt for two weeks!
The good news is I wound up with a crisp release that measured right at four pounds. [smile]
Looks like the Ruger Mk III is the winner here (or loser).

First time I stripped mine, it was a PITA getting back together.

Second time I did it, I researched it a bit and found several videos that explained the procedure and made reassembly much easier...


Now... it's a minor chore.

The firearm that gave me the most trouble was my CZ-52.

For some reason I decided to remove the hammer spring... big mistake that was.

It took a lot of brute force and fiddling around to get it back in.
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