Harvard Sunday (July 9)

Dec 7, 2005
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Forecast says partly cloudy, high in the low 80s. We've got 6 planned (including the classifier). Hot dog lady is scheduled. WHO'S COMIN'?!?!?
Dan Hurley said:
Forecast says partly cloudy, high in the low 80s. We've got 6 planned (including the classifier). Hot dog lady is scheduled. WHO'S COMIN'?!?!?

Four from Bass River and my friend that I sent to your Wed night practice :)

M1911 said:
Never shot IPSC.

Then come on over on Sunday. Matches are as good a place as any to find out what all the excitement is about. (It's really just target shooting while your feet are moving, but it's still a ton of fun.) The game was born in the hands of 1911 shooters and you'll fell right at home. You likely already know this, but there is even a separate division now for single-stack 1911s using 8-round mags and carry-type holsters.
Dan S said:
Can't be there on Sunday. Hope to shoot the shotgun match on the 30th. Any news on that?

I'll start a separate thread on the shotgun match after this weekend. 5 or 6 stages with the fun emphasized.
M1911 said:
I'm shooting an IDPA match on Saturday, so probably too busy this weekend to make it.

Whattya mean too busy? There's enough time to load plenty of ammo between the IDPA match and the IPSC match.
Gotta get my few remaining hairs cut, get to the dump, the grocery store, work on the honey-do list, etc. Don't want to end up sleepin on the couch...
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M1911 said:
Gotta get my few remaining hairs cut, get the to dump, the grocery store, work on the honey-do list, etc. Don't want to end up sleepin on the couch...

I hear that. Maybe next time.
M1911 said:
I'm shooting an IDPA match on Saturday, so probably too busy this weekend to make it.

Skip the IDPA match and join us for an IPSC match... HEHE

I'll be there as always. My brother will prob. make an appearance but he won't be shooting this time around. He's working a late night Sat. night and won't get in till really late. He's planning on swinging by though to check it out.

Harvards matches are always a ton of fun and very challenging.

Don't skip your Saturday match. I'd like to try the Riverside IDPA but we have our club match at RIMLC today. It would be nice if you could remind everyone that there is more shooting to be done if they can make it to Harvard tomorrow. Two matches in a weekend is so much fun.
I was (and am still) M1911, of course[wink]

I shot this AM. Shooting a new-to-me Wilson Combat 1911. Cabela's vest, 511 pants. Brown hair and beard.
It was def. a great time. All the stages were challenging and had several ways to shoot them. It was hot but everyone worked together to make it a great day.

I hope everybody had a good time. 75 shooters, 6 stages. Hard to get done quickly with that equation, but I hope it was worth the effort for everyone. I know I had an almost perfect day in the sun (completely excluding my shooting of course).
Challenging match and a long day. I think a few brains were fried.

I knew there were going to be six stages but didn't expect to see so many long courses. That was a lot of work. Thanks Harvard! We're lucky to have matches like this to shoot. It just isn't your typical local match. What can they throw us at majors that could be harder than some of that stuff?

The long courses and movers will definitely be good stuff to have in our tool box for Aware in a few weeks.

Great match, Steve. 3rd overall is fantastic, especially over some very big guns such as Paul, Denton, Hammer, Tad, and Davey. "C" shooter my foot, you sandbagging, dot-pointing, comp-smoking son-of-a-bull-barrel.

Had an awesome time today at Harvard as usual. Shot on Alpo's squad with mostly the MRA crew. Did pretty well considering it was the first time driving the Para at IPSC. Only had one malfunction. Hopefully I will make it to the S.G. match.

Thanks to all who set it up for their hard work!

GTOShootr said:
Challenging match and a long day. I think a few brains were fried.


I was one of those fried brains running around. Dealing with difficult stage, and poor reloading skills caused my little brain to overload, causing poor shooting and one very stupid gun handling mistake[angry]

But in good news, I had an excellent day shooting my bow afterward[smile]

Dan Hurley said:
Great match, Steve. 3rd overall is fantastic, especially over some very big guns such as Paul, Denton, Hammer, Tad, and Davey. "C" shooter my foot, you sandbagging, dot-pointing, comp-smoking son-of-a-bull-barrel.

[grin] Thanks. I have four, maybe five, Open classifiers due to show up this month. My last one posted is from April.
Dan and all the other guys/gals that set-up and ran the match..
Thanks for putting in the time and energy!
The stages were a bit of a challenge and did made you think, which was part of the fun (or was it pain?).

Also thanks to Gary and Alpo for posting the results so quickley - it's great when you only have to wait a couple hours to see results posted on the web!


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