Harvesting Kale seeds.


NES Member
Sep 5, 2017
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I just harvested a small portion of seeds ( about 1.5 oz. ) from one of my most hardy kale plants that I let go to seed. This particular plant survived through two hard frosts in the springtime and came back full steam ahead.

What you see in the picture are the seed pods that they produce. They look like green beans in the picture but are actually much much smaller. Same idea though, like beans in a pod.

I stuck a plastic bin under the plant to catch the seeds and just ran my hands through the pods. All the pods dry enough to shed their seeds dropped them and the greener ones that are not ready yet remained. Those will be ready probably in another few days to a week.

Anyone who likes and grows kale, if you let just one plant go to seed, you'll never have to buy seed again. I already put the seeds in an envelope......each seed is about the size of this > o and I got about a bulky lower quarter of a business size envelope......datsa lotta seeds!!
Just curious if you've ever tried a little pan-fry on them pods...? Look like they'd have a nice <snap> to them...
Just curious if you've ever tried a little pan-fry on them pods...? Look like they'd have a nice <snap> to them...

No, never tried that. Maybe next season.

At this point, the seeds in the pods are already beyond the tender stage and are fully formed just waiting for the pod to dry and split.
Even handling the pods starts them splitting open, hence the bin underneath to catch the gazillion seeds that drop out.
Which reminded me......I've got thunderstorms moving in here so I just went and harvested the rest of the seeds, the pods were at just the right stage, ready to drop seeds.

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