Healey/Hillman to speak at Century Sportsmans' Club


NES Member
Nov 8, 2005
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"Kerry Healey and Reed Hillman will be "special guests" at Century Sportsmens' Club of Auburn (monthly meeting of the Mass Sportsmen's Council)

They will speak on state politics and their campaigns, and will take questions from the audience. The public is invited -- be advised that Healey and Hillman were the only candidates who responded to the Mass Council invitations. They'll be introduced at 9:00 am sharp."
["]They will speak on state politics and their campaigns, and will take questions from the audience. The public is invited -- be advised that Healey and Hillman were the only candidates who responded to the Mass Council invitations. They'll be introduced at 9:00 am sharp."
Was it that Mihos didn't respond or that he declined to attend? I suppose it doesn't really matter how it's come to be that he won't participate.

I find it interesting that the only way I would know that Mihos is pro-RKBA is from what I've read on this forum. Perhaps he thinks that bringing it up as a part of his campaign would decrease his chance for a successful bid for Governorship?* Personally, I want a Governor who speaks his or her mind about the issues, not someone who will say what needs to be said to be elected, nor someone who would disseminate rumors behind the scenes about his/her beliefs to curry favor from a particular voting block. Say what you stand for and let the voters decide.

Mihos had an opportunity to discuss firearms during the debate when Patrick broached the topic of guns. No one took Patrick up on the issue. Though I was disappointed when Mihos let this opportunity pass, it also told me why Mihos is in this race, to give Healey the roughest political waters to navigate as he tries to derail her campaign because of his long-time resentment with another Republican, Jane Swift.

* I could go to his site and read about his 2A stand; but I have no reason to, nor should I have to. I have no reason to look up his website because he's successfully disinterested me with the only platform he's been talking about, Prop 1. And I should not have to look up his website to see what he stands for, if he hasn't the jewels to speak his mind on the campaign trail, he won't have them when it comes time to enact what he's afraid to discuss to begin with.
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