Help: Looking for Dr. (GP)

Jan 24, 2006
Eastern Mass
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I'm looking for a new Doctor. Obviously, I'd the doctor to be pro-gun. Anyone have a recommendation for a GP who is a good person? Or, is anyone on the list who is DR and progun? (Doesn't need to be a GP)

This is for two reasons;
1. - I need a GP.
2. - I'm up for renewal and my town is asking for a DRs letter stating I'm okay.*

If you'll help me, please drop me an email or PM. I'll keep any info private that you give me.

I'm in the South Shore, but will travel anywhere inside 495 or South to RI.



*-Yes, I should fight it, but I'm not going too. I don't have the energy or time right now. I plan on working with the system.
Mike, I have a call into my oral surgeon (gun owner) for a referral. Didn't hear back from him yet, but will call him again if he doesn't call me first today.

Also check my Email to you and let me know either way. We "might" be able to avoid this BS . . . but a good pro-gun MD is always a good thing to have anyway.

To others here from the old MAF list - There was a MD from Brigham & Women's on the old MAF list about 3-4 years ago. Anyone remember his name? If so, please Email/PM it to Mike and myself. Thanks.

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So, now this kind of BS is spreading to other communities? This is getting wayyyyy out of control.

Not sure if this will help, but try contacting this group...

"Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO) is a project of the Claremont Institute launched in 1994. Headed by Dr. Timothy Wheeler, a southern California surgeon, DRGO has become a nationwide network of more than 1,400 physicians, allied health professionals, and others who support the safe and lawful use of firearms".

They have 1,400 members (there must be a few here in MA).
LoginName said:
So, now this kind of BS is spreading to other communities? This is getting wayyyyy out of control.

The natural consequence of letting bullies' abuses go unchallenged.
Mike, call me crazy, but wasn't there a Doctor (with initials "PK" wink wink nudge nudge) whom you invited to the pre-wedding machine gun shoot?

I do believe he's a GP. And if shooting machine guns doesn't make you pro-gun then I don't know what does... Might want to give Patrick a call.
Hi, its late in the day and I'm feeling pretty beat up... so forgive this probably stupid question..

But what the heck do you need a Doctor's letter for?[shocked]

Means the chief is a douche bag and wants to make innocent people do more then they should have to just to get what they should be entitled to. The chief knows that getting these letters are a pain in the ass. What doctor wants to deal with this kind of B.S.?
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Jaxon said:
Hi, its late in the day and I'm feeling pretty beat up... so forgive this probably stupid question..

But what the heck do you need a Doctor's letter for?[shocked]

Because if you want a license to carry firearms you MUST be mentally unsound, so you better get a Doctor to tell you you can't have an LTC so that the PD doesn't even have to get involved...

It's just BS, and is above and beyond the scope of the law. Though without the proper funds to support litigation there really isn't much you can do but bend over and bring lots of lube.
SiameseRat said:
It's just BS, and is above and beyond the scope of the law. Though without the proper funds to support litigation there really isn't much you can do but bend over and bring lots of lube.

IF enough people challenge this paper-pushing paper tiger, he may fold. He's done it before. [wink]

He's a gutless little twit who wants to hide behind paper because he's really afraid to make a decision and thinks a "doctor's letter" will shield him.

Call his bluff! [slap]
Scrivener said:
IF enough people challenge this paper-pushing paper tiger, he may fold. He's done it before. [wink]

He's a gutless little twit who wants to hide behind paper because he's really afraid to make a decision and thinks a "doctor's letter" will shield him.

Call his bluff! [slap]

I think it would be great if enough people fought the across-the-board subjective interpretation of MGL regarding firearms licensing, but the cost of employing you (or your ilk) just isn't realistic for those of us who have little to no savings.
Do you have a suggestion as to what an average Jo(sephine) can do that won't cause them to be denied or down-graded to an LTC-B for their inability to shut up and play along?
Scrivener said:
IF enough people challenge this paper-pushing paper tiger, he may fold. He's done it before. [wink]

He's a gutless little twit who wants to hide behind paper because he's really afraid to make a decision and thinks a "doctor's letter" will shield him.

Call his bluff! [slap]
What specifically does it take Scrivener?
Mike508 said:
What specifically does it take Scrivener?

File a COMPETENTLY prepared, correct application. That means a real F 25/26; some towns are still using long-obsolete forms.

Triple-check your answers; it is always astounding how stupidly people can answer obvious questions, particularly Question # 10.

Provide everything that is required and expressly state WHAT you are refusing to provide and WHY in a detailed cover letter.

IF you choose to provide crap you are not required to (ANY letter, moronic "authorizations" for the police to check your record, etc.), that cover letter is the time and place to RESERVE YOUR RIGHTS by expressly so stating, with further language that the provision of said unauthorized material is in no way to be construed as a waiver of your rights.

And keep immaculate copies of EVERYTHING. I'm sick of seeing legal documents some fool used for a scratch pad. [rolleyes]
Scrivener said:
Provide everything that is required and expressly state WHAT you are refusing to provide and WHY in a detailed cover letter.

IF you choose to provide crap you are not required to (ANY letter, moronic "authorizations" for the police to check your record, etc.), that cover letter is the time and place to RESERVE YOUR RIGHTS by expressly so stating, with further language that the provision of said unauthorized material is in no way to be construed as a waiver of your rights.
Would you be willing to post an example of such a letter? I'd be interested to see it.
MikeYarosh said:
*-Yes, I should fight it, but I'm not going too. I don't have the energy or time right now. I plan on working with the system.

I don't blame you. We should fight it, but we all know how brutal (and expensive) this could get.

Far easier to just play ball, and do what we can to fight this when we aren't personally under the gun, though GOAL and through voting. (I heard that Kristy Mihos wants to standardize all the gun laws state-wide....they'll still be a horrendus abomination of the 2nd amendment, but if you think we can be like Vermont or New Hampshire over night, I have a tunnel to sell you in Boston).

Still if our knowlegable lawyers continue to give us thier valuble information, that's always good.

-Weer'd Beard
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