Help out a Widow with identifying and pricing Husband's collection


NES Member
Nov 17, 2011
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@tequila_girl22 posted a WTS with a bunch of molds for a very high price -I responded by PM with a suggestion that the collection needed to be broken up in smaller lots at realistic pricing
Her response was one that we all know too well - She lost her husband and has no idea what to do with his collection.

If we can get her to post decent pictures of what she has, we should be able to give a good idea of what it is and the reasonable street value.
Sucks losing her husband.

Looking at that entire list, I think it is worth under $2K. Maybe $2K being very generous.

It is mostly Lee moulds, unless there is something I dont know, like a year when they were amazing, they are worth $30 each TOP. I think new they are like $40.

Lead, I would call it $2/lbs. She doesn't seem to have a lot.

The brass, I would need to look into it, but unless she has some crazy calibers like .458 Win Mag, 50 BMG ... it is not worth a lot. Maybe $50 to $100/K for once (or multiple times) fired.

The list is pretty detailed, I am surprised whoever created it didn't add prices.
RE: Brass

Seems like mostly handgun brass, so best bet would be to just get the weight and get $1.50 a lb. I would take it for that and I think others would too. Alternatively could scrap it but would have to deliver it.

I would have offered that, but I didn’t want to be a cherry picker.
The brass molds and handles are the mist desirable utems on the list. My condolences to the lady and may her hubby RIP.
Yes, the brass molds caught my attention. Those are good stuff. Something from NOE goes for around $115-140 depending on how many bullets it casts.

If they are older molds from some custom guy, they could go for over $100. I dont know enough about that world, that is more for @1919FAN and @Michael J. Spangler
Pics! Need pics!
I spoke with her in a PM - there's a lot more than what she showed in the WTS

She's understandably overwhelmed so give her some credit

Some of the older guys around here need to take heed and get their collections inventoried so they don't leave a mess for their wife.
I spoke with her in a PM - there's a lot more than what she showed in the WTS

She's understandably overwhelmed so give her some credit

Some of the older guys around here need to take heed and get their collections inventoried so they don't leave a mess for their wife.
I responded to her as well and was polite as could be telling her that she’d have more interest splitting it up. It’s a daunting task to undertake though…it’d be like me trying to sell all my moms sewing machines (which I won’t ever do if she leaves any of them to me.)
I spoke with her in a PM - there's a lot more than what she showed in the WTS

She's understandably overwhelmed so give her some credit

Some of the older guys around here need to take heed and get their collections inventoried so they don't leave a mess for their wife.
I do give her credit. Because this isn't the only thing she is dealing with at the moment.

And yes, everyone should have lists of everything or a trusted friend who will take everything when the time comes.

I'm willing to help with the brass, so if she reads this I can work with her on it.
Yeah we need up close pics. You know how some moulds are worth a lot more than others. Hopefully someone can help the woman lay out all of the details and get some money for her.
Last “estate” I helped with
Sorted the molds
Lee in one pile
Steel body in another
Brass in another
The lee molds where listed for $20 each 3 for $50
Steel body where listed for $50 each
Brass where $70
It did not take long to sell them all.

As far as brass cases goes common stuff was listed at $1.25/lb by the 5 gallon bucket loosely sorted. Basically rifle and pistol brass Sorted.
That sold in one sale

What you really have to consider is the time vs the money
Tou can spend weeks sorting and listing.
Break it down into smaller groups and it will sell.
The husband will be happy knowing his stuff is moving on to be used.
RE: Brass

Seems like mostly handgun brass, so best bet would be to just get the weight and get $1.50 a lb. I would take it for that and I think others would too. Alternatively could scrap it but would have to deliver it.

I would have offered that, but I didn’t want to be a cherry picker.
Not sure several cat litter bins-of brass are a small amount. It happy to chat if you want
Last “estate” I helped with
Sorted the molds
Lee in one pile
Steel body in another
Brass in another
The lee molds where listed for $20 each 3 for $50
Steel body where listed for $50 each
Brass where $70
It did not take long to sell them all.

As far as brass cases goes common stuff was listed at $1.25/lb by the 5 gallon bucket loosely sorted. Basically rifle and pistol brass Sorted.
That sold in one sale

What you really have to consider is the time vs the money
Tou can spend weeks sorting and listing.
Break it down into smaller groups and it will sell.
The husband will be happy knowing his stuff is moving on to be used.
I can sell the brass to a metal scrapper, he’s been taking the lead.
We used to, that’s a good thought , thanks
Even if you find a few clubs in the area. Often have a for dale board you can post a note on.

Alot of how you move it depends on what your looking to do.
If your looking to get the most out of it start sorting and posting on ebay, forums and get your shipping skills and materials together.
If you just want it gone and recoup some cash bulk it up into groups.

My friend did pretty good putting his grandfathers stuff up to auction vs sorting it and moving it all over.
Did better than they though even after the fees.
His Grandfather gifted me his lead before he moved to ME.
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