Help! SW1911 Breakage...

I was seriously considering purchasing a S&W 1911 for my first automatic. I'm now reconsidering after reading this thread.

I wouldn't worry about it. if the plunger tube starts to wiggle, replace it right away. All guns parts can fail, learn what to look for and you'll can catch issues before they become a problem
I picked a new S&W 1911 on saturday may 24th, shot 20 rounds at my
range, cleaned it, took it to the Worcester IDPA match. Got about 30 rounds
off and a MAJOR jam. It fired and came back to extract the spent round
and froze. Finally got it apart, the spent casing was in good shape, not
bulged, not split.

Reassembly is the problem, you can reassemble the slide parts, put the
slide on, etc. but once assembled it will not rack or go forward.

The call tag from S&W is on the way...


Could be a broken barrel link.
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